Chapter 33 : LIKE SERIOUSLY!!

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Everyone had already left after the dinner. It was 11:30 pm and it was only me and Cole sitting in my room. They had all (EXCEPT COLE) complimented me on the food, and I was glad that irrespective of such a long gap I had not lost my touch in cooking.

The entire time that Cole was eating he was smiling to himself. He did not look at me but was eating jovially. I wanted to question him, but did not deem the time to be appropriate.

After all the guys had left I requested Cole to sleep in my room. There was no point in his staying back if he stayed in the other room. He agreed at once and I realized I had never seen him in such a happy mood ever.

We shifted the couch from the hall to my room as I had no couch in there.

He was now sitting on the couch and making himself comfortable.

I look up at him in the midst of arranging the duvet and see him arranging the pillow on the couch, still smiling. LIKE SERIOUSLY??!!

I was not unhappy by the fact that he was happy; but the fact that even after whatever happened tonight he was smiling about it all. I know I was being selfish but there is a limit for everyone to act like a jerk...

I thought he would ask me about Ashton and what he was doing in my room, he would show that he cared after all this time, but he was sitting out here and just SMILING!!!! I did not want to be affected by his act but it seemed out of my control now.

It may have been slightly hurtful when he did not smile back at me when I was approaching him in the dining, and it did also hurt when all of the guys asked me something or the other but he didn't, and it did even hurt when he was the one who had wanted to taste what I cooked the most, but he didn't say a freaking word after eating. But above all this hurt; I was angry, beyond angry in fact at his SMILING self. Out of everything he could do he was SMILING.


I was going crazy over him. He had the freaking guts to smile like that but not be sensible? He could have told me that my cooking was bad, that I cooked pathetic, that he would get diarrhea after eating the food I cooked but he didn't say a freaking word. And there he was still SMILING like a maniac.

I was not much of a quiet girl. When something bothered me I confronted, no matter how stupid it was. And I knew what I was going to do now, and I knew it was stupid, that he might laugh at me, make fun, or whatever but I had to talk to him. I had to confront him.

Controlling my anger as much I could I walk over to him towards the couch which we had placed just in front of my wall sized window. He does not notice me initially, but when I sit on the other side of the couch he looks up at me, still SMILING!!!

"I wanted to ask you something?" I say straight away,

"Yeah, go ahead," he says chirpily and smiles.

GOD!!! That smile...

"Why are you smiling so much??" I ask. I did not have the habit of going roundabout of anything that I wanted to know. I see the smile drop only momentarily before it is plastered once again on the exactly same place. I scowl.

"It is because...."

"Because?" I say tilting my head towards him.

"Why do you want to know though?" I swear my head just fell down on the floor.

"Can't you ever answer a question straight?" I ask

"Can't you ever ask a straight question?" he retaliates.

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