Chapter 40 : Not even you Cassandra Taylor

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I was walking down to the cafeteria with Valentino. Cole and Hozar had gone earlier to meet their basketball coach so they weren't with us at present. I could feel people looking at me the entire time I walked. It was uncomfortable, in fact highly uncomfortable but I do not let it get to me. I know it would be over within a few days but until then I will have to bare it all.

I am sure Valentino too notices the increasing talks and murmurs as he increases his pace. They were all acting like nothing has happened but deep down I know that they are merely pretending and the only thing that I could think about was I will never be able to thank them enough.

We step inside the cafeteria and on proceeding towards our table we see Cole, Hozar and Andre already seated at the table.


"Chloe's here." Andre whispers. I turn around to see Chloe and Valentino approaching. I could see the other students constantly looking over at her and murmuring among themselves. If only I could I would make them all forget what happened the other day but I couldn't. I had already told the rest of the guys to not bring it up, but that was all under my league.

We were discussing about whatever took place yesterday and were trying to figure out what it is that Chloe is hiding from us. For one thing that we were sure is Chloe will never tell us anything about it herself ever, and so we were trying to get to the roots all by ourselves. We wanted to know and help her and this time we would go to any limits to help her. We would do anything, ANYTHING to help her out.


I smile at everyone, while taking a seat on the table. They return my smile like usual.

After some time I was about to get up once again to get my plate of food from the food counter, on seeing that the queue was no longer there, when Hozar and Valentino volunteer to get the food for everyone. They knew by now pretty well what I took for lunch so I didn't even have to bother telling them.

I sit back down and stare for some time at the back of Hozar and Valentino. I knew why they were doing it all, and even though I was glad, I couldn't continue this. I was making my friends suffer too because of me. They were being dragged in my life, and there was no chance I could keep them out of this mess.

The only way that I could see ahead was too difficult to choose, but the only resort.

My heart aches at the thought and I try to ward it all off, and shake my head slightly. I bring back my conscience to the cafeteria and then to our table only to find Andre and Cole staring at me intently. Cole was sitting beside me and Andre to my opposite.

They both were ogling me like as if I had done the weirdest thing in the world. I was about to question them when the food arrives, and none of us get a chance to speak anything.

They had brought for me my usual, and I smile looking at the plate and then at them. To this, they merely frown looking down at my plate.

I find it highly amusing to see their reaction whenever they look at the choice of my food.

I take the spoon and I was about to dig in my food, when I hear someone clear their throat. There was no problem in the fact that the person cleared their throat but the fact that it was loud enough to make the entire cafeteria go silent made me look up.

I wish I hadn't, because there she was standing right in front of our table facing me, with her hands folded in front. She had a backup it seemed as five more girls were accompanying her.

I once again control the urge to snort at her choice of clothes, and that of her cronies.

Yes, you guessed it right. It is none other than CASSANDRA FREAKING TAYLOR.

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