Chapter 19 : Trust Issues

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"I got TRUST issues, because people got LYING issues." -hazy.tbh


I and Andre are at the bar getting cold drinks for the rest of them.

Chloe, Valentino and Hozar are outside in the front lawn. After the dance we had caught on with the rest of them, and had decided to leave after having a drink. Honestly, I too needed a drink, after that dance.

I don't know what made me ask Chloe to dance with me, but the moment felt like everything that a person can wish for in his life. I had thought that she would not agree to dance with me, but when she did my happiness knew no bounds.

When all of those who were already dancing, had stopped when I took Chloe on the dance floor I knew she would be surprised. The entire time that we were dancing I kept on looking at her to know how she was feeling. I could see that she was completely enthralled by everything that happened tonight.

The best part was when Chloe, laid down her head on my shoulder. It felt like she had started to trust me and that in itself made me happy. I know that she is different from others, but what I don't know is that why is she having such an effect on me. I had wanted to make her succumb to my game, compel her to fall for me, and seeing the present circumstances I wondered if that was going the other way round.

For first time in Life I was scared of my own feelings.

Somehow I knew that she felt the same, but to what extent I don't know. I felt like I was breaking her walls slowly and gaining her trust and that was all that I needed for now.

I did not want to bother about anything else. I did not want to spoil this night due to my stupid thoughts...

"Hey man! I have been noticing that you are completely into yourself after the dance. What's up? You still here right now, or somewhere else?" Andre asks.

He has been teasing me continuously, since we came to get drinks.

"I don't know Andre. Everything is so confusing. I don't have control over myself anymore. I feel that everything that I do nowadays have no explanation. I don't know."

"Only you can answer that question Cole. Last time you came barefoot for Chloe, you were the most concerned when she did not turn up at school for almost a week, you leave behind your normal self when you are around Chloe. You act like a different person. And then tonight, we all wanted to make her happy so she could enjoy her life but you were the one to come up with the surprise plan, and then the dance. Do you realize that you have never done all that before?"

"I know. I do feel concerned towards her. But...."

"I don't know what is it that you think, but I have known you since our childhood days, and I can see what it is clearly. But I think you should figure it all out yourself this time. But don't be too late to realize it Cole."


We go out in the lawn with the drinks. I trace Chloe from a distance itself. She is talking to Hozar and Valentino, and she is laughing at something that they might have said. I keep looking at her. She looks like an angel standing there in that dress. Unlike other girls in the party she does not lose her composure, and continues to hold herself with etiquette.

Her eyes meet mine, and on seeing me already staring at her, her laugh stops all of a sudden, and we merely keep looking at each other. Though she may be a bold lady, but I find her a bit shy, especially when she is around me.

"Here, for you, Princess."I say after having approached her. She takes the drink from me, careful so as to avoid our hands from brushing. I look over at her again and try to figure out the reason for her sudden reaction. She says a thank you and smiles at me. I smile back.

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