Chapter 23 : Uh!Oh!!!

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I wake up to the crackling dawn of morning. A beam of sunlight was entering the room through the gap in the curtains. For a moment I wonder where I am but then I soon recollect last night's memories, the party, and then the pool house and all. And I remember that this is Cole's room that I am presently in.

I get off the bed slowly and move towards the door. The moment I leave the room and peer outside, just like yesterday I see someone standing in front of the kitchen island and cutting some vegetables. Today, unlike yesterday, he is turning towards me. I don't get to ogle him and before I can speak he says,

"Good morning Princess!! Slept well last night?" he says in a cheerful voice, and I blush and do not retaliate when he calls me princess. Instead I find myself smiling back and say, "Yeah I had a pretty good sleep, and.....uh.... Good Morning."

He was mostly focused on cutting the vegetables and so he looked up only for a brief moment. He was cutting those vegetables in quite an efficient manner, and it didn't take me time to realize that he must cook on a regular basis.

"Hmm...where are the other guys?"

"Oh they...they left already,"


"Yeah," seeing my perplexed look maybe he continues, "Do you know what time it is right now?" I see a small smile appearing on his face.


"Well.........It's almost midday," my eyes widen slightly at my own delay and wonder when I last woke up this late.

"You are kidding, no matter what time I sleep I never woke up this late, in fact I always wake up by eight..."

"Well it seems you were sleeping quite peacefully then this morning,"

"Wait....did you check on me when I was sleeping?"

"Well don't take me wrong but I too woke up just sometime back, I didn't see anyone so I was checking the rooms, so I happened to check yours too, and I couldn't help myself, you were sleeping so peacefully..."he says with a sly smile.

I stare at him for some time with my eyebrows raised, and then shaking my head I smile.

"You better go get ready, the breakfast is almost prepared...."

I come back to the present at his words and mumbling a soft yeah I trace my steps back inside the room. I definitely had the best sleep of my life. I felt more relaxed than ever.

After taking a short and quick bath, I change into yesterday's dress, and after having got ready I step out of the room once again.

Cole was setting the table and looked up when I entered the kitchen. He was looking at me with a blank expression. Something in the way he was looking made me self- conscious and I was soon aware of everything around me, even the tiniest of the things around became interesting.

He always did this kind of thing to me, purposely or not that I do not know. I don't know what it is that he does, but whatever it is it unnerves me.

I move slowly and steadily and stand right in front of him. He takes his eyes off me and looks down momentarily. He then moves and pulls out a chair for me to sit. Slightly perturbed by his gentlemanly act, I eye him suspiciously, and bend down to sit on the chair.

Just then when I thought that he might after all be a gentleman, the chair is pulled from beneath me and I stagger. Before I could drop down on the floor though, he pulls me up by holding me around the waist. I glare at him, while he merely chuckles. When I continue to throw daggers at him, he says, "What....I did not let you fall down on the floor though. Did I?"

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