Chapter 28 : I wasn't Ready.

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The day was over and I was tired. There weren't any homework's today so I had planned to go home and take a nice long rest, and start studying thereafter. I was walking towards my car when I realized that, I did not bring a car. Cole had dropped me today, and this also meant that I would have to wait for some time before the car came.

UFF!!! That's called luck.

I take out my phone and start dialing when I hear a distant voice calling me out, but it was not my name, and I knew that only Cole called me that. I turn around and see him approaching me. Once he approaches me he says,

"Hey Princess!" he was a bit too jovial than necessary and I instantly become suspicious about it. His behavior clearly spelled out 'FISHY.'

"Yes?" I say while he frowns,

"Can't you just greet me or something first?"

"And what is it that you want me to do as in GREETING?" I say with great emphasis.

"There are many things that I can think of," I glare at him and he adds haste fully, "but at present it will be alright if you just shake my hand." I smile while he frowns at me. I put my hand forward and he takes my hand in his.


"Well, remember the lie you told for me during lunch time?"he starts, coming straight to the point.

"And how can I forget that?"

"Good. So as you see our dear Miss Cassandra," he says battling his eyelashes trying to pretend like her, "is kinda stalking me. So if I do not end up at your place today, she is going to know..."

"Are you scared of her??" I ask tantalizingly,

"Are you kidding me?? Why the hell would I be scared of her? But as you must already know it is easier to get rid of goons, but not easy enough to get rid of a girl who has pledged to get to you," he says disgust clear in his face.

I just look at him for some time and then say, "So what do you want me to do?"

"I just want you to play along with me for a bit more, so she can be assured that there can be nothing anymore between us, and....therefore I just want you to allow me at your place for today, if that is okay with you..." he says the last part slyly.

I remember the last time he was there at my place, and realize that he never created havoc, even when all I knew about him then was that he is an Asshole. And now I know him better and therefore it should be even less trouble...And my parents are also not supposed to be there for another two days.

Looking at his expectant face full of hope I finally decide that it would be safe to let him,

"Okay." I say and he smiles.

He leads me towards his car in a jumpy mood, and I smile inwardly at this. I take the front seat of his car and he drives towards my home.


"Can't we sit in your room, your bed is so soft...," he moans. I look at him suspiciously and say,

"How do you know that??" I was raising my eyebrows while he merely looked as if he were offended.

"What!!! Don't you remember the last time that I came here for the homework?? I had ended up sleeping in your bed..."

"Oh!! That, I....I do remember," It was now his turn to look at me suspiciously.

He was lying down on the sofa outside my kitchen. He was lying there USELESSLY since we had arrived.

It had been around fifteen minutes and after freshening up I had volunteered to warm the food that Aunt Margaret had cooked. It was technically a bit less for the two of us as she did not know that he would be coming over. And if truth be told I too was not expecting his visit. Not that I minded but still....

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