Chapter 18 : FOREVER

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"Cinderella never asked for a Prince. She asked for a NIGHT OFF and a DRESS."                 -Kiera Cass

We reach the party house. The first thing that I notice is that though the music is very loud and can be heard from a long distance as well, and though there are people in the front lawn as well, drinking and moving their bodies to the beat of the music, but still there is this invisible protocol that people seem to be following.

The teenagers are without doubt enjoying themselves and doing all sorts of things that they are usually expected to be doing in such High School parties but tonight it just seems to be in a more civilized manner, or maybe that is just the way I am looking at it. Whatever it is, but I already feel good tonight, and I smile slightly.

"Will you just keep smiling or even do the honors of coming out of the car?" I am brought back to reality by Cole's sudden intrusion in my thoughts. I look over at him. He has already parked the car and is standing there, holding the car door open for me. He is questioningly smirking at me, with a raised eyebrow.

He leans inward towards me and whispers, "Or is it that you want me to carry you all the way? Because if that is the case," his voice, becomes even more soft and husky, "believe me I would love to do it."

His words arouse goose bumps all over my body, and I momentarily freeze. I find my heart beats increasing at his words, the tone he spoke in and his close proximity. I wonder why he has this effect on me. I have never felt this vulnerable even in front of Ashton.

I suddenly feel uneasy and scared in regard of all those things that happened today, first in my house and now here. Initially I had assumed it to be because I was alone in my room with him, but why now?

I feel the need to pull myself back from this utter complex situation that I am finding myself into. Before I lose myself completely into this tornado of feelings erupting within me and I commit another unforgivable mistake of my life I put in all that I have got, and attempt to get a firm grip on myself once again.

Turning my head away from him I say, "No, it is nothing like that. I was just thinking something."

I try to say this with as much force and power, so as to clearly elucidate to him what I actually want. He moves back, and taking that as an opportunity I get out of the car. He slowly closes the door behind me, and puts his hands inside his pockets.

I peep at his face slightly and notice that the same enthusiasm and playfulness that was initially there is absent. I do feel bad but it is too late. I understand that I had been slightly more rude than I should have had been, but I pray that one day he will understand why I did so, Today.

We start walking side by side. The silence between us makes me uncomfortable.

I notice others standing just at the entrance waiting for us. We walk towards them.

We enter the party together and amidst that the guys shake hands and greet other students from our class, they most probably know. All this time, I find myself catching glimpses of Cole, who is doing a great job at ignoring me.

I wonder if this night isn't going to be as great as I had initially assumed it to be.


I try my best to ignore Chloe after her unnecessary rudeness. I was just trying to make her happy. I had no such intention. And all she could do was put me off so rudely.

Irrespective of my efforts to ignore her, I find my eyes moving towards her all on their own. I see her standing there, in her own dream land. She has this habit of entering this imaginary world of hers. I wonder if I can ever be a part of those things that she spends time thinking about.

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