Chapter 11 : 'Her walls will have to break..'

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"Sometimes people put up walls, not to keep people away, but to see who cares enough to tear those walls down."                                                                    -One Tree Hill


Seeing from the outside I had already understood that her house is extremely big, but seeing so close it appears to be even bigger due to the interior designing technique which she must have used.

She leads me up the staircase and when we reach the only door on this floor she opens it. I am left amazed by what I see in front of me. It is like a mini compartment in itself though the word mini would be a contradiction to it as it is anything but mini.

There was a hall beautifully decorated with the most comfy sofas. Though it was not as big as the earlier one but it was not even small. On the further side of the hall was a kitchen neatly kept and I could get the aroma of the food that might have been freshly prepared.

Just opposite, there was another door which was unlocked and from there projected a small balcony. From the two extreme ends of the balcony there were again two flight of staircase, but this time one lead down and the other up.

"Where do these stairway lead to?" I ask to clear my curiosity.

"The down one leads to the garden and it is also one of my ways to enter my compartment as I don't really like getting in, from the front porch unless and until I am with someone. And the up one leads to the terrace. And you should be lucky that you came here as I don't allow anyone to visit this part of my house for it is only meant for me and Aunt Margaret. You are the second boy and the third person excluding my parents and Aunt Margaret who has ever stepped up here." she rambles on, and I am sure she doesn't even know what all she has just told me.

"Who was the first?"

"Huh?... No one. And did you just pick up this part from the entire thing that I just said right now?"

"Nah I was just wondering that...."

"Forget about whatever it is that you were wondering. Let's get to work we don't have time to spend talking." She says, warding off all the conversation in between.

"One last question, why did you lie to your parents about you being absent for an entire week and wasting yourself on alcohol rather than coming to school and studying?"

I see her facial expression turn into a mixture of fear and sadness. But she soon covers it up with a blank face, which I assume she is very good at and just states rudely,

"That's none of your business."

This time I don't say anything in return, as I am too busy grasping everything that I see around me.

As we move on I see that there are two more rooms on the opposite side of the kitchen. There are still no photos or anything that can actually tell me something about her life. There is no such thing that could give me an insight.

She takes me into a room. I look around myself and assume it to be her room. There is a big king sized bed in the centre, with light pink bed sheets. I notice that the leftmost wall is made to be a complete window. After all it was from this window...... that Andre had seen Chloe........

My attention is caught then in Chloe who is presently putting on the curtains. She is completely serene and simple for a girl of her lineage. She stays composed, unflustered in front of everyone. Never lets anyone know anything that goes inside these four walls of her house. Just the way she is putting curtains right now she always puts walls around her.

Unlike the light pink bed sheets, ironically her life is dark and colorless. She has built up these walls around her, she tries to appear all hard but something tells me that it is not the way it looks. Her walls will have to break once, surely break and that...I know for sure.

I turn around and see that the right portion of her room is devoted to studies completely. This part makes her room look like more of a study room. It is through this that I realize that she is definitely a bookworm. There are a lot of books. An entire book shelf is there covering the entire wall. There is also a neatly maintained study table and some cushions and comfy sofas to sit and study.

My eyes keep devouring the vibrancy of the covers of the various books. I am so engrossed in the sight in front of me, that when I turn around I see Chloe standing with her hands on her hips, staring directly at me. I give her a sly smile and just shrug my shoulders.

We sit down for studying on her plush and comfy bed as her floor cushions were not meant for two people. I gaze around slightly and see that finally there is a photo frame on her bed side table. There are two girls standing, one of which is definitely Chloe. I can say so because Chloe is different from other Americans with her complete contrasting look of dark curls and dark brown eyes. The other is a blonde with somewhat blue eyes. I was only about to ask her who she is when Chloe speaks, "I have been seeing Cole that you are more interested in my house than in the assignment that we have at hand to complete. If you want to know something this badly, ask me straight man."

"Are you sure that if I ask you will tell me? Because honestly speaking I doubt" I say,

Her look changes and it tells me all that I want to know. Without further ado we start off with our work.

We even eat dinner at around 11 pm which I suppose was prepared by Aunt Margaret and as soon as we are over we start off again with our work. 


Hey Readers, I am extremely sorry for the delay. Due to some work I could not publish yesterday, but here I am with the next part. Hope you all will enjoy reading it.

NOTE: Lock down restrictions will most probably be reduced by some extent in our area, school assignments will start with more force so I will have to discontinue publishing twice a week. I will publish hence forth only on Saturday. Hope you all will understand my dilemma.

Stay HOME Stay SAFE.......


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