Chapter 31 : The Unexpected Visit

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We were watching the movie Constantine. What else can one expect to watch with all boys as company? But that was not the problem as Cole had volunteered to stay over for the night, and talking seriously I did not have much problem with ghost movies. It was just that I never watched one at night even if I ever did, and never alone, which meant that it had been quite long I had watched a horror movie.

This movie was finally chosen by Valentino, when all of them had spent more than an hour in just deciding which movie to watch.

The movie was about to end, and I would be lying if I said it wasn't good. I was sitting beside Cole on the foot of the sofa while the rest of them were sitting behind us on the sofa.

Cole had his arm around my shoulder, and though it was strange but it was true. Andre and Valentino together had taken it in turns to scare the shit out of me, by touching my shoulder during intervals or by hissing in my ear. I was not a complete bravado when it came to watching horror movies, even if I wasn't very pathetic.

Cole and Hozar were busy laughing there ass out on seeing my reaction and when I told I wouldn't talk to him anymore he had placed a hand around my shoulder and was sneaking glances behind to make sure they weren't up to anything else.

Hozar too had been seeing my back. I had not denied him when he snaked his arm around my shoulder and since then though I was seeing the movie, a part of my mind was constantly on his arm, and I was aware of the slightest of his movements.

The earlier exchange that had taken place in between Andre and Cole had left me zoned out for some time. I was scared of his feelings towards me, or rather of what would follow if he did feel something.

I knew a part of me trusted him, but I was scared to let my trust strengthen, I knew that a part of me liked him, but I was scared to let those feelings grow. I was not ready to see him becoming the next ASHTON DEVILLE of my life, because this time this Chloe Armel would definitely not be able to survive the blow.

I realize that the movie has ended when I feel someone close the TV and also realize that I zoned out pretty long and missed the ending.


Promising myself that I will surely see the ending later I get up from my place and turning towards them I say,

"So well, shall I bring in the food...I am sure by now you all must be extremely hungr...." I was stopped short when the back door that led to the garden opened suddenly. I turn around and see Ashton walking in.

Yes I am talking about none other than Ashton Deville.

You know the feeling that comes when you are trying real hard to fall asleep after the tiredness that keeps engulfing you, but you are so not able to fall asleep. And then after a long and painful wait sleep finally comes to relinquish the thirst of rest that was burning within you and you find yourself relaxing in the warmth of your bed and enjoying the comfort. But then before you are even finally able to take a ten minute peaceful nap you are jerked so not gently from your sleep to face the reality which is worse than what you have already faced.

Well my life felt exactly like that at present. The only difference being that instead of being jerked off from a peaceful sleep I was jerked off, completely off guard, from this imaginary land of happiness that I was presently in, to the reality which beheld for me nothing but pain.

There standing in front of me, or should I say all of us, was Ashton in his so not admirable glory. The look of innocence that he held right now would make unbelievers believe in him, but I knew better.

His eyes for the first time after stepping into MY house was not concentrated on me but on the people behind. I see his more than shocked and innocent look transform into an unbelievable smirk. And it was then that I finally felt scared of what was going to follow.

My fear this time was mingled with the fact that I was not alone. I had my only friends with me and I did not want to lose anyone of them due to his stupid acts. For the first time I wasn't scared of what he would do to me but of what my friends would do if they found out the truth.

He turns his head and looking directly at me he says, "I see you have finally made friends Chloee," I hear the mock in his voice and squirm a bit.

I was literally begging him through my eyes to not do anything here. I was pleading to him and if he could read my eyes he'd know it by now.

"I want to talk to you Chloee," he says and walks straight into my room without another word. Yes my BEDROOM. But for the first time I was happy about it, it finally seemed that Ashton understood me, though I would have to pay dearly for it.

I turn around to excuse myself from the other guys and the moment I do my eyes meet Cole's and I wonder if I should really be happy??

His eyes were cold and angry. I was, for the first time, being able to decipher Cole's look and I did not like what I saw. I look down unable to meet his intense gaze any further. The other guys were staring at me too, and before I made things more difficult and uncomfortable I say,

"Please excuse me for some time guys, I'll be back at the earliest, but you all start with the dinner, don't wait for me."

I was about to leave but I stop when I hear Hozar's voice, "Are you sure you will be okay??" I am sure he must be referring to the last time when I had absented school after meeting him and wasted myself on drinks. I understood his concern and wished that things wouldn't go too far enough for any such thing to happen again.

"Yeah I'll be fine," I try and give him a smile but all I manage is a tight lipped smirk. I give one last glance to Cole only to find him still staring at me, with those intense look of his, which spoke more than his words. He was angry beyond control and I knew if only he could he would have lashed out his anger already at the so not wanted person presently inside my room.

I look away and without another thought start walking in the direction of my room, to see what wonder does my life hold for me next. 


Hello everyone, this is another update. 

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