Chapter 1:Bike Ride

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*Chloe Armel*

I was returning back home after my computer coaching classes. It was around 10 am and no one was supposed to be at home then. My mom and dad were out for work. They worked in the same office and always returned home late. I had no siblings who could give me company at home so most of the times I used to stay all alone.

Except, there were few of my neighbour friends who I was acquainted with but other than that I was used to enjoy my own company. I had a lady who used to come at regular times and would cook for me and after doing some household chore she would leave.

I was wearing black overcoat, black skinny ripped jeans with black stockings underneath, and black sneakers. I also had put on my black gloves as it was bitter cold outside. Though, my taste of dressing was a bit weird as everything was black but I think it did suit my needs at that moment as it was cold. As I was about to enter the front gates of my house I heard someone call out my name. I turned around to see who had called me.

It was ASHTON. My heart skipped a beat on seeing him. A different set of emotions always overwhelmed me on seeing him. I was sort of dumbstruck at the moment. I wish I could reply but my lips did not support me. I found it difficult to utter even a single word. Finally I tried to regain my composure and there I was standing in front of him with a firmly set countenance and resolute bearing pair of eyes looking at him.

I tried my best to keep my voice low but it was loud enough to be heard by the two other boys sitting right beside where Ashton had parked his Bike.

"What you're doing here. You are not supposed to be here. What if someone sees you? Haven't I...." I barked at him like as if he was some small child. Not looking a bit annoyed he replied as patiently as possible cutting me in between "Hey! Do you wanna go on a bike ride?"

He enquired with a little smirk playing in the corner of his lips. His usual sweet voice seemed to captivate me totally but ignoring it, I tried to think of some excuse, not that I didn't want to go with him but I didn't know whether it would be right or not. Aunt Margaret was supposed to be here anytime for me to cook my lunch.

As if he had sensed that I was going to make up something, he breaking the group of excuses going through my mind said, "Your mom and dad are out for work as usual and would not be returning back any time before 9pm, aunt Margaret would be coming only after 2pm as it is Saturday, before that you have got no tuitions, works, shopping's to do or anything else so you are ABSOLUTELY FREE. So now just get on my bike."

He continued," And four hours are more than sufficient for us to go on a long bike ride and then return back home. Isn't it?" I was totally shocked about this. It was as if he kept an abreast of events happening with me, though some of them I had said him myself. Still.

"How are you just so well aware about my whereabouts? Don't say me you are spying on me or something because that would be just so ridiculous of you, Ashton."

I noticed that the two boys sitting beside us were intently listening to our conversation. Though, how much ever I could have tried they could still hear us as they were pretty near us. One of them was Andre and the other was Valentino. Valentino had light brown hair, light brown eyes and a comparatively light skin. Andre on the other hand was a muscular and a year old from Valentino.

He had black hair and dark brown eyes something like that of mine. They were the only friends that I had in my neighbour hood.

"I don't wanna miss even the slightest of moment that I get to spend with you. This is why I am so well prepared Chlooee babe." He never left a moment to flirt with me, but I liked it in fact I loved him but I would never accept it, not at first at least.

"Oh! Seriously"

"Of course! So will you get on or do you want me to carry you."

"Yes, sure." I allowed myself to smile which I had tried to hold back till now.

"Will you just keep on smiling at me like an idiot or would you even get on or do you want me to take an official permission from your parents?"He creased his eyebrows at me.

"Like they would even allow you to take their daughter somewhere for a bike ride." I snapped back at him.

"Why wouldn't they? If their daughter couldn't resist to kis...."

"Hey! Just shut up! What are you even talking about?" I said noticing Andre and Valentino directly staring at us with amused faces.

"Just what you did with me. The way you cupped my face and then......"

"Ar..Are you going to just shut up or ...."

"Or what? You wanna do that again? If yes, then just make sure that you have brushed your teeth."He winked at me and gave his best smirk possible which I could die for. Removing that thought from my mind as quick as possible I said," YOU ARE A TOTAL JERK! I hate you and I am not going to go with you anywhere now."

I turned to go back to my house. Suddenly I felt a tight grip around my wrist and he had pulled me into him and turned me towards him so that I was facing him now. We were not quite far away. I could feel his breath on my lips. His touch seemed to send tickles through my body.

"You seriously know how to blackmail me. RIGHT." He didn't seem angry. He was still smiling at me. I turned my head so that his intent eyes wouldn't captivate me again. "Are you coming with me or not?"

"No" was my curt reply.

"I pretty well know your weakness, Chlooee, so if you don't come I'll be bound to..." He left his sentence incomplete for me to understand not that I didn't understand what he meant and since I did I replied, "You don't "

"Do you wanna me show you?" saying this he stepped even closer to me. I knew what he was going to do. He knew all my worst of secrets and my weaknesses. I didn't want him to do anything as such, at least not in front of everyone and especially Andre and Valentino.

I could feel their direct gaze at us. Knowing that I had no other choice as I couldn't even let myself out of his firm grip. So finally I said," OK fine I'm coming with you." His playful smirk grew even wider at this and all that I could wish to do that time was to kiss him but I just couldn't, not here in front of everyone.

I got on his bike and we rode away.


Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Hold your breath and keep reading, there is a lot to come ...(;


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