Chapter 27 : His Heart

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"I fell in love with the way you touched me without using your hands." -Anonymous


My heart beats go erratic, and I once again find it matching pace with that of Cole's heart rate. I breathe into his manly scent and relish in the pleasure of hugging him. Before I know it Cole's hands were around me too, while his neck was placed on the crook of my neck. I try to pour my heart out to him through the embrace. He seems to understand as he gives my waist a small squeeze.

It felt like I had been craving to hug him since a long time, and this was just an excuse to do so. It felt right and the best thing to do. We stay lost in the moment for some time, and before we could pull apart gracefully, I was not so gently yanked apart from Cole. On seeing I realize that Cole had too been pulled away from me at the same time, as he seems to be equally nonplussed.

I look up to see a girl standing there in between, and noticing the fact that no one else is around I assume that it must have been her. I check her head to toe, and unable to help myself out I almost prevent myself from snorting in disgust.

She was wearing the shortest skirt available in the market and the most exposable crop top. Though it could be an exaggeration but for a place like school nothing better off could be told for an attire as such. She was a blond and for sure also a cheerleader. She was slim and trim and I couldn't deny the fact that she could have all the guys drool on her. But that did not unnerve me, because I would rather die stinking than have guys look over at me, like as if I were a treat or eye candy of some sort, to satiate their lustful thoughts.

"Am sorry ter break your little momen'," she says with such a smile that I can bet on anything to prove that she was anything but Sorry, "ba' I hav somthin impotant ter talk ter Cole," she speaks in a strange accent and I wonder if she has made it up as well, just like everything else from her hair to her face which was full of layers of makeup.

But nevertheless I shrug my shoulders in a gesture saying that she could continue with whatever it is she wanted. Just then she tries to put her one leg in between me and Cole, to sit in between. My eyebrows raise themselves all on their own, and before I could react, Cole moves towards me, and points at the opposite space next to him for her to sit.

He does not let her sit in between us.

I smile inwardly.

After she had seated herself, we all wait for her to spill the beans or speak something, and when she doesn't, Cole does.

"I thought you came here to talk to me about something?"

"Oh Yeah!! Of course!" she exclaims, a bit too jovially. I see her slide slowly more towards Cole, so that there was barely any distance in between them. Placing both of her hands on his chest, she says,

"I was wonderin' if you were free tonigh'..??" her voice was barely audible due to the distinguishable husk in it, but being close to them I could at least catch on. I feel Cole tense up against me, as her hands travel all the way up his chest. She slowly cups his head and tries to tilt it slowly as if she were angling it to kiss him. The mere sight and thought fills me with disgust and unreasonable anger at the girl. But unable to direct it to her I find it pulsating within me even more.

Strangely enough I find Cole rigid as a statue and he does not move his head when she tries to. In fact he slowly moves her hand away from his chest and neck and trying to create further distance in between them, he moves closer to me.

He turns towards me and says, "Princess?" I had not realized the fact that he was so close to me until he turned facing me. Our faces were inches apart and I could even feel his hot breath fan my face.

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