Chapter 20 : Ogling

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"It was strange that I was ogling him, and the fact that I couldn't stop was even Stranger."                          - Surls

We finally reach the place where Cole wanted to bring me. It was very dark all around and nothing could be seen clearly. All I could make out was that we were in a highway sort of area. It seemed to be located on the outskirts of town, and in an isolated place away from habitation.

Considering the fact that it was in a very lonely place, and no one seemed to be anywhere near, even within a limit of two-three kilometers, I expected myself to freak out and get scared just like previously. But it seemed that Cole's words kept me under control. The way he spoke and his words in itself were like a great assurance to me.

We enter a gate which seems to ensure a high degree of security. Cole enters some form of password and the gate opens. I find myself getting extremely curious to know what holds behind these gates. The moment he enters, the gate behind closes on its own.

I look in the front and see Andre, Valentino and Hozar standing beside their car. Cole parks his car nearby and we get out. I see around but except for a silhouette of a cottage like structure I see nothing.


I look at the one piece swim suit that Cole got for me. It was decent and modest no doubt, but I wonder how his choice can be so good. I am not just referring to the colour but the mindset behind it.

I am surprised that he knew somehow, that I wouldn't like to swim wearing a bikini in front of them and that's why he got this for me. I don't know why but he always leaves me speechless.

From what I came to know it was a pool house, given to Cole by his parents on his Birthday and since then they all have been spending time together here, on weekends, and other such days.

They even told me that it was a big secret. No one has ever been to this place except for them.

When we started nearing the house it got clearer and clearer. It was really big and spacious. It was also very beautiful in and out. When we stepped inside it felt like I was in heaven. It was well kept, unlike I had expected and it looked like a place you would want to come again and again. When they finally showed me to the swimming pool in the backyard or let's say it just wasn't a backyard but another level of heaven. The swimming pool was in the midst of the garden and it looked amazing. It spoke of beauty in simplicity. I was awed by the spectacular view in front of me. They told me that I was the first person who they have brought here. And I would be betraying myself, if I'd say I wasn't flattered.

When they had initially proposed to me the idea of swimming I had opposed it, thinking I had nothing proper to wear, but when Cole told me he had already got that sorted out, I agreed though slightly skeptical about what Cole said.

And now that I am looking at this thing right in front of me, I feel extremely privileged.

I hurriedly change into the swimming suit, so that I do not miss on the fun.

Once again I am thrilled to see that it fits me perfectly. I step out of the room which is most probably Cole's. In this pool house they had merely four rooms. Each guy owned a room. So Cole had lent me his to use for the moment. Cole's room was the farthest from the backyard and nearest the kitchen.

I could smell aromas of different varieties of food, already reaching my nose. Though I do not eat much but I have this fascination to try out various recipe's. And the aroma only seemed to further ignite all my dormant smelling cells and the foodie within. I try to peep slightly inside the kitchen, when I notice Cole doing something on the gas. His back is facing me, and he is already ready for swimming it seems.

He is wearing thigh length swimming trunks.

For the first time my desire to observe him more closely, overtakes my conscience and I find myself ogling him. He had tanned and smooth skin, and momentarily my hands ached to stroke his back. His muscles were flexing due to whatever it is that he was doing.

From far he looks extremely good, for a bad boy reputation that he has. Not that bad boy's are expected to look anything less than Greek Gods, in typical teenage language, but the truth is he is better than anyone I have seen so far.

When he turns around I notice his abs, they are ravishing. I wonder how much he must have to work out in order to maintain that. My eyes keep trailing downwards, all on their own, as if they have got a separate brain for them to do what they are doing. When I realize the inappropriateness of what I am just doing I shake my head at myself, and bring my eyes up again to see Cole. I decide that I should at least thank him properly for the outfit before we actually go to swim.

When I look up I find an extremely pleased smirk already plastered on Cole's face. Cole's face?? Wasn't his back facing me? I..... it is then I realize the importance of having the power to dug up one's own grave as at this point I want to do nothing more than dig up a grave for myself.


Why do such things always have to happen to me?

"I did not know that CHLOE ARMEL also checks out guys?" he says with a raised eyebrow and emphasizing on my name, clearly amused at my mortified state.

My already flushed face seems to be burning now. I can feel my cheeks, my ears, and my entire face burning due to the embarrassment. It feels that blood is rushing up to my face level with intense ferocity.

I clear my throat to get rid of the uneasy feeling that I am feeling and looking him straight in the eyes I say, "I just came to thank you for the outfit."

"I did not know that you are good at changing topics too."

I do not say anything else as a response but I merely glare up at him, warning him to shut up already.

"Is Princess angry with me?" he says not letting off any opportunity to amuse himself.

"You know I am feeling like banging my head on the wall." I say clearly exasperated.

"You really need not BANG yourself on the wall all by yourself Princess."

I throw the first thing that I find on the stool which is fortunately for him just a tomato. He easily grabs it and tosses it aside. I make a move to grab something else, something that will actually help me to shut his erotic mouth, but before I can do any such thing, he puts up his hands in surrender and says,

"Allright..... Allright. I give up. I was joking with you, calm down. It is just that you look cute when you are angry."

I look up at him. He definitely hasn't realized what he just said, or maybe it is not a big deal for him as he must be used to such stuffs. I shake my head inwardly for being stupid enough to be affected by such a small thing.

"That's better." I say, smirking up at him.

"Well thanks for the swim suit." I say when he doesn't say anything but just keeps looking up at me.

It seems he was thinking something, because when I thank him, he takes time to process what I just said, and after quite some time, he winks at me and says, "My utmost pleasure Princess."
HEY Friends!!!! I hope you all are doing great in this situation of lockdown. Please be safe and sound. Do Stay Home and Stay Safe. Do Vote, Comment and Share if you like my story.                    -Surls

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