Chapter 39 : '...because I am angry'

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I was leaning against my locker in school. It was very early and I was already here. I would have preferred skipping school for today but Cole had strictly prohibited me from doing so and told that he would find me out wherever I was and bring me back to school, if I happened to skip. I was already having double thoughts about skipping and what he told just confirmed the decision that I was finding so hard to take.

I knew he would come to pick me up and hence I came school exceptionally early. I wanted to face school all on my own. Cole was doing a lot for me already and it felt wrong of me to drag him in my mess, it felt wrong to hide it all from him but still have him suffer. I was glad I had friends like him, but I was getting too dependent on him.

When I returned back to my room after having talked to mom, I felt sad and lonely. I constantly kept remembering Cole and wishing that he was there. I realized how wrong of me it was to think so. He was just a friend and I couldn't expect so much from him.

I was breaking the various promises that I made to myself before stepping into this school, and now that I see back it is as if I am playing a game of breaking all of my promises.

I went to a party which I wasn't supposed to. I have made friends whom I trust, which too I wasn't supposed to. I have called them over in my house, which also I wasn't supposed to. I have started trusting 'men' which too I wasn't supposed to. I have done so much more that I wasn't supposed to and if I do not pull myself back from things now I will never be able to and that is sure.

I wonder if it would be easy to pull back but I...

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around sharply only to come face to face with Hozar. He was standing there with his hands in his pocket and smiling at me. He was evading my personal space so I take a step back. I look up at him and smile too.

I did not expect to see anyone of them so soon, though I knew I would have to.

"You are early!" I say looking at him

"So are you." He was raising his eyebrows at me.

"Hmm...I just thought I will try and manage notes which I missed on yesterday."

"Knowing that there won't be anyone worth asking the notes this early?" he smirks back. I look up slyly not wanting to speak or give any further excuse. He indicates me to walk and we start walking.

There were more people now walking around in the passageways. Every once in a while I felt eyes on me but I made sure to pass through them with my head held high just how I did this morning, yesterday and a year back in my previous school.


We were sitting in the class waiting for it to start. There was still some time left. Hozar was sitting on Cole's usual place beside me. We were talking on miscellaneous stuffs and he was acting like nothing ever happened. He did not bring up yesterday at all, and though I was glad I was curious too.

Just then I hear someone and know without another confirmation that it is none other than Mr. Cole. I look in his direction. He was frowning at me and I wonder what was wrong. He sits opposite us taking the front seat but facing us. I had no idea why he wasn't sitting here beside me, and why wasn't he asking Hozar to vacate his seat already. I look up at him and he speaks once he has comfortably seated himself.

"Why didn't you wait up for me? I went to pick you up." He was complaining to me like a small child and it made me feel guilty. I had not even informed him because I knew he wouldn't let me if I did.

"I am sorry. I thought I would come a bit early." I know it was the silliest thing I could come up with and expected him to go on about it but strangely he drops it and smiling at me adds, "But next time you don't turn me down and if you really want to, let me know. Deal?"

He was acting strange but it didn't matter much if he was forgiving me so easily. I smile up at him and say, "Deal!"

"The coach was not very pleased when you did not turn up yesterday for the basketball practice." Hozar says once the small moment in between us was over.

I look at Cole the moment he says this with a complaining and scathing look. He ignores me completely and replies to Hozar, "I figured that out. But I will make up for it today by doing a few extra hours."

"But that won't be necessary I think, you are too much of his favourite for him to make you do extra hours."

"Why did you miss your basketball practices Cole?" I say when he still doesn't look in my direction. 

I was highly upset because he did not even bother to let me know that he did have practices which he was missing, or else I wouldn't have let him at all. 

He finally looks at me with a sly look and looking almost apologetic he says, "It wasn't a big deal Princess, it's okay."

"Still." I insist.

Just then the bell rings signaling the start of the class in five minutes. Cole jumps from his seat and coming beside Hozar, indicates him to vacate the seat. Hozar was about to get up when I say, "No, Hozar will sit here because I am angry with you."

I was acting completely like a child but I wanted him to know that I was angry. Hozar too sits back down with his hands folded in front, smiling up at Cole.

He looks at me with a raised eyebrow before smirking down at us. Before we know it he jumps up on the table and gets in between us in such a swift motion that I almost fall down due to the lack of seat.

Cole holds me around my waist to keep me from falling while I merely grab onto his arm, looking irritated. Even in such a situation the small action doesn't stop the butterflies within from erupting. He was not even looking at me and I still felt it difficult to think straight.

Hozar gets up from where he was sitting as the teacher enters the class. Cole was smiling at his retreating back triumphantly. He then turns to look at me and on finding that I was already looking at him his expression changes suddenly and his eyes darken.

He stares at me straight with his hand still around my waist. He leans a bit more towards me pulling me up closer all the while. I won't be surprised if I had a heart failure any second now because my heart was beating to come out of the rib cage.

"Miss CHLOE ARMEL and Mr. COLE O' CONNELL?? May I know what it is that you two are trying to do early in the morning ??" Mr. Finns who was our teacher yells, and the entire class turns around to face us.

And I think I almost had a heart failure.


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Here goes my another story update. I really hope you guys do like it. So do Vote, Comment and Share if you like my story. Your small action can be a reason of immense joy for someone.



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