Chapter 24 : Do I have A Choice??

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I look around to see the source of the sound. My mom was standing on the front gate, the door open, her hands folded in front of her. She was still in her professional suit, so I assumed she must have just come back. She was looking at me intently, but there was something more than just that. She seemed angry, angrier than I have ever seen her, her face was glowing with what I assume to be the effort of controlling herself, and not shouting at me.

"I believe I asked you something," she says, and it is this that brings me back to the present.

"Oh yeah...,"

"You can talk to her once she is inside, she has just come back you see," my dad comes and interrupts, and I find myself thanking him inwardly.

"Oh well then get in," my mom pipes in, almost too eager to start her round of questions at the earliest possible.

Once I was in, without even waiting for me to settle down or even relax myself, seeing that I have just returned she starts,

"So...where were you dear last night?" she says slowly and mildly, keeping her temper from flaring up.

"Well, I was out," I say trying to make her to laugh or even smile, my lame attempt at being cheeky but on seeing that she turned even angrier still, I hastily add, "I ..I mean I was out for a party in fact,"

"I see," she eyes me with one of her scrutinizing looks and after quite a long pause, she speaks again, "Well wasn't the party last night?" she asks emphasizing on the last part.

"Yeah..well so it was, but.."

"Did the party get over today morning?"

"No, of course not I..."

"Who did you go with?"


"I need you to be specific," her hint at 'specific' was too well known by me, and therefore I thought against my another attempt at being shrewd and rather said, "They were Cole, Andre, Valentino and Hozar, if that is what you mean and they are all my present school friends, and...."

"All boys it seems then, is it?"

"Hmm... well yeah, but..." she did not even once break the eye contact, and therefore I was sure that she could surely see that I wanted to speak further, explain myself, but instead, she kept cutting me off, no matter what.

"And when did your party get over, exactly?"

"Well I don't know that, because we left the party early, beca.."

"What time did you all leave the party?"

"Maybe around 10 or something, ....why?"I ask the last part tentatively, afraid that it might fire back at me, and sure enough I was almost right.

"I think it is my job to ask you questions, you only answer, alright?"

"Yes," I say trying to put in all my irritation and anger in this one simple word.

"And as I am sure, you did not return home thereafter, so where did you go after the party was over?"

"A Pool House."

Knowing that she will cut me off in between anyways I reply curtly just what she asked.

"A pool house?"



"To enjoy?"

"I mean you could have come back home, and gone some other day, or even if you did go why did you stay there for the night?"

"Because it was too late to return,"

"So you thought that staying in a pool house where you had only guys for company, that too far away from home, on top of which you did not bother to inform either of us, or anyone else for that matter, was right?"

"They are not like other boys, mom....They are...they are good, they respect women and...."

"That's not the point. I want to know that when had we allowed you for an overnight stay in a guy's place, or when did you ask us about it?"

I momentarily think of telling them that it was a surprise and all and that I too did not know that they were going to take me, but I decide against it, for fear of further trouble...

"I...I thought it would be okay mom. And after all it is not like anything wrong happened." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"That is not the point Chloe...why don't you understand?" she says exasperated.

"What don't I understand mom?" I say keeping anger completely out of voice, trying to be as polite as I can.

"I don't like it Chloe," after a moment's pause she adds a bit more sternly, "I just want you to know that you are not allowed to stay out with guys from henceforth alright?"

"Ari, you can't do that to her." Dad says to mom in my support.

My mom momentarily looks a bit stern, but then says,

"Okay, if someday you really want to, you should ask us, and inform us about your whereabouts clearly before enjoying your night out. Is that Okay?"

"Do I have a choice Mom?" I say a bit sad but otherwise nonchalant, because Chloe Armel did not ever get angry at her parents.


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