Chapter 14 : The Black Dress!

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"And if you're ever feeling lonely just look at the moon, someone somewhere is looking right at it too.."                                                 -Anonymous


I am presently banging my head on my not so hard pillow. I wonder what I had thought when I said a 'yes' for this party, not that I don't want to give it a try this time with the guys, but I just don't think that I have the right dress to wear for the occasion. I can't even go for a shopping right now because neither do I have the time nor the strength to go for shopping and then to a god forsaken party.

It was already 6 when I had come home from my usual utopia, my haven and my paradise. Yes, I am talking about the riverside area, and yes I went to that place when I knew that I have a freaking party to attend and yes I am now too tired to go for shopping.

To be honest I don't even remember the last time that I went to a party except for the one which was organized for all business tycoons of the city and I had been to it along with my mom and dad. That was the only outdoor or social interaction that I had had in the last two years.

My class X exams were just over and it was then when my parents told me about this party which they wanted me to be a part of along with them. They wanted to celebrate together with me, but I know that they only did so, to escape the guilt of the fact that they had once again cancelled our family trip due to some, in their words 'serious business emergency'.

I could not say no to them whatever the reason behind their taking me be, and the fact that I was going with my parents, and the fact that irrespective of everything I can at least rely on them for my safety was a great matter of relief and satisfaction in itself. So I had agreed to go.

Just when I think of this party I remember the dress that I had worn that night and how everyone had complimented me on my looks. All the people there belonged to sophisticated lifestyles and lavish living. They spoke of money and power. There were a number of business tycoons along with their children. The teenagers as I assumed were mostly of my age.

I remember how a boy, who must not have been a year more than eighteen, had told me that I was the sole attraction of the party and how it would have had been a complete waste for him and other boys in the party, if I had not been there that night. Then, I had just shrugged it off as the fact that maybe he is just trying to flirt. But today I realize the importance of his words and thank him inwardly for being such a wonderful guide, and without further ado I throw myself into my walk in closet and look through the stacks of clothes, some in hangers and some in piles, for the dress that I so eagerly want.

Just when my eyes fall upon something black, I pull it out to see that it is the same dress that I had been looking for, for the past 10 minutes.

I come out of my closet when I hear the door bell ring. I wonder who it must be and instinctively look at the clock, only to see that it is already 7.

Realizing the fact that I actually don't have much time left, I rush downstairs to see who it is to get off with whatever it is, as fast as possible so that I can start to dress myself up.

I open the door to find, to my amazement, Hozar standing there.

He is looking different than what he usually looks like. His usual chivalrous and compassionate look has a slight touch of bad boy persona in it.

Not that he looks anything near Cole, who has this complete bad boy look about him, starting from his attire to his personality, his attitude, the way he talks, his flirty behavior around girls and around me and of course not to forget (with my eyes rolled to the back of my head) his finely sculptured face which makes all the girls head over heels for him.

"You not coming to the party?"He asks on noticing the fact that I am still not ready. I see a frown cross his always giddy face which makes me feel bad because of the fact that I am the cause of it, and I internally scold myself for being such a careless Idiot.

"Yeah! I am," feeling the need to elongate and explain myself I say, "Actually I got back home a bit late so I am not yet ready. But don't worry it won't take much and I'll be quickly done."

"Cool" he says coming back to his original self.

Trying to make sure that no awkward silence prevails between us I ask, "Well... Don't take me wrong but what are you doing here so early," then looking at my watch, "It is not even 7:30."

"Oh! Yeah ... well I just got ready earlier than others and having nothing else to do, I thought of checking up on them. Initially I went to Andre's place and then to Valentino's only to find that both of them are not yet ready and might need another hour," he says rolling his eyes and with sarcasm laced in each word he speaks and I just smile at him, having nothing else to do myself, "So I thought then that I'd check on you too and I can see that you are in a worst condition than any of them." He sighs in exasperation or rather attempts to do so which only makes me smile at him stupidly.

He tries to be dead serious when he says so, but his desire to smile overpowers him, and the next thing I find is that both of us are smiling like idiots at each other.

"What made you dress up this way tonight??" I ask curious to know, because the signature black leather jacket that he is wearing right now is so so so not like him. It is more like Cole who always has either a jacket on him or any other such addition to his normal clothes which gives him his signature look of a Bad Boy.

"Why? Don't I look good?" He reiterates a question back at me, and lifts his shoulders slightly to make the impact of his words even stronger, instead of answering the one I had just asked.

"I did not say that. You... you just look... different..... you know." I say fumbling for words, and not being able to decide what I should actually be saying.

"Do you mean the 'I like this look' kind of different or the 'I don't like this look' kind of different?" he asks with a genuine expectant look in his eyes.

How much ever I would have loved to keep him in suspense right now and tease him about his looks, I realize the speed with which time is passing by, and understanding the importance of rushing back up to my room to dress up I say, "No, you look the 'it would suffice' kind of different."

He lifts his eyebrows questioningly at me and before this conversation could go any further I continue, "You know I really need to get ready if I want to make up with you guys to the party."

"Huh? ...Oh Yeah! I am so sorry I literally forgot. No problem. I will come to get you again, till then you can get ready and be quick." He says and starts walking back from the front porch, as I had forgotten to let him in amidst the talks. Before he leaves I call out to him and tell him to enter from the back staircase which leads directly to my storey as I might not be able to come down all over again to open the door.

With these last words I close the front door and head back up to my room to get ready for this party and also for this new chapter of my life, which I can feel, through what you may call as a strong intuitive feeling or the sixth sense, is soon to begin.


Hey Friends!! Hope you all are well, do take care of yourselves and your family members...Here goes the next chapter. Hope you all enjoy it. Do Comment and Vote to let me know.


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