Chapter 22 : I RUN...

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I see Chloe stepping out of the pool. I momentarily wonder where she is heading to. An unknown sensation engulfs me, and I find myself unhappy at the fact that Chloe is going out of the pool. And the fact that I don't know why is making everything a lot more difficult.

I continue swimming but my eyes stay fixed on Chloe's departing form. As if reading my thoughts, Andre speaks up, "Where is Chloe going?" I find myself getting anxious to know the reason too.

"She told she would rest outside for us to finish. She doesn't want to catch cold."

We all nod in understanding. I see her go and wrap a towel around her body and then she sits on the bench.

After some more time of swimming I say, "Hey boys even we should go now, we already swam enough."

I glance at Chloe again and notice that she is once again lost in her own thoughts. She doesn't even seem to notice me, looking at her. Her concentration seems to be in a completely different isle. I take that opportunity and getting out of the pool I stroll towards her.

When she finally looks in my direction and sees me approaching her, she seems to be startled. She tries to look in any other direction but ends up looking at me. Her face seems to be as pure and as innocent as if she were a small child. The ignorance on her face makes her look immaculate and faultless.

After having approached her, I bend in towards her. She straightens herself and moves backward slightly to keep distance in between us. I just smile at her and ask her for the towel, which she is currently wrapping around herself.

She still seems to be perplexed and confused in respect to my demand so I say, "Do you want me to stay wet, by not giving me my towel. I did not know that you like looking at my wet form this much" I say teasing her with all my power of words.

Her face seems to be momentarily flushed and instead of a comeback like in any other situation she stays quiet calculating what I said, still with an ignorant perception about things.

She looks at the towel wrapped around, and when she realizes that it is not hers, she gives it to me the very instant. I keep looking at her, all the while drying myself off. She seems to be uneasy. But I still do not stop looking at her.

Her behavior today is puzzling. And I make every attempt I can to piece together this puzzle. Unlike any other day she is exceptionally quiet and restless. It feels as if my presence is affecting her in some manner. I don't know why, but it makes me feel good to see that she is affected around me, even without me doing anything. I smile stupidly.

Crashing down my thoughts all at once she speaks up with the usual gleam of defiance in her eyes.



"Then why are you staring at me?"

"I am not staring, I am just looking."

"And what is the difference between that?"

"A lot difference if you can see from my eyes."

"Really?" she says with sarcasm evident in her voice.


"Whatever" she says and looks away. I still continue my mental assault on her and force her to speak up and this time what she says makes me smirk.

"Don't. Don't just look at me that way" she looks like a child, complaining about the injustice done. Nevertheless I retreat saying,

"Why? Does it affect you?"

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