Chapter 44 : The Deal

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I was walking towards the cafeteria to get my lunch. I see a long line of students, gathered to get their own plates of food. It wasn't crowded like this during other times, and it was different. Nevertheless I get on the line.

I was planning on going to the library at the earliest and start off with some Calculus. Every time that I have been to the library during lunch, I always waste a lot of time deciding what to do, so I had decided already this time.

It has been five days since the dinner, and I haven't spent time with Cole and the rest of them a bit. They are all busy with their basketball practices and meetings during the lunch break and even during some of the classes. And I try and stay away the remainder of the time. I leave school the moment the bell rings and arrive, the latest. Cole too doesn't pick me up nowadays, because he has to come to school early.

It was astonishing to see how much and how vigorously they practice. They not only better their skills and techniques the entire year, but they also make strategies, which are mind blowing. Still, around a week is left for the final match, but they are already practicing like as if the match were to be held tomorrow. No wonder they are the best team in the city and as well as in other nearby cities and schools.

The line in front of me was moving very slowly and I was getting agitated. Just then I hear someone call out my name. I turn around and see Valentino waving at me from our usual table. I also see the rest of them already seated.

"We have got your plate here. C'mon." Valentino says

I start walking towards our table and sit on the only empty space between Hozar and Valentino. They have got me my plate, with the usuals' that I always eat.

"Thank You so much for getting my food. And how come you guys are here today??" I look over at Cole as well, but he wasn't looking at me. He was busy on his phone, eating quietly. I gulp down the uneasy feeling, and also notice that he wasn't sitting beside me like usual. He used to always argue with the others only to sit beside me, but today he doesn't even notice my presence.

"We are more or less already done with a lot of practice, that's why we are here today," Andre says

"And it had been so long since we met you, unless you count those mere glances during class hours." Valentino pipes in,

"Yes, it has been so long," I say, feeling the dry pit within me, filling up once again, due to their presence.

"Did you miss us then??" Valentino asks me with a teasing smile, raising his eyebrows.

"Didn't you??" I retreat

"Awww!!!" saying this in an over dramatic manner Valentino hugs me in a tight embrace and says, "We missed you a lot Chloe."

I am slightly taken aback at this and uncomfortable as well but I try and act unfazed; and freeing myself out of his embrace as gently as possible I say, "I missed you guys too.."

I look up and see Cole staring at Valentino. His jaws were ticking and I could see his Adam's apple move up and down. His hands were firmly fisted around the spoon that he was holding.

Our eyes interlock and we stare at each other for some time. His eyes were speaking a lot today and I could feel it, considering that his eyes were mostly unreadable. His eyes contained questions; many questions in fact, the answer to which I did not have. The usual light was absent but in its place was an accusing gleam that went right through my heart.

I look away not able to meet his glance anymore.


I look up, staring straight at him.

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