Chapter 37 : Ace Rider

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"Can I ask you something?"

"Only if I get what I got last night for answering all your questions," he says, I try to remember what he was talking about and when I realize I cannot stop the blush from creeping onto my face, as I look down.

"Hey!! I was just kidding," he says chuckling and I look up at him with a flushed face and smile back, "Go ahead ask..."

"Promise me that you will answer honestly?" I say

His expression becomes serious at my words but he nods nevertheless. 

"Do you hate me now?" I was dreading the answer but only I knew how much it meant to me, and how desperate I was to know.

We had been talking since a long time sitting in front of his bed, but I hadn't been able to muster up the courage to ask him so.

"And why do you think that?" his face bore no sign of fun or smirk and I knew that he has finally serious, "Be...because I...I kissed him," I look away at the front, not able to meet his eyes.

I did not know why did it matter if Cole hated me or not. I did not even know why I thought that kissing Ashton would make Cole hate me. All that I knew and cared about was his reply.

"Remember I told you just the night before in front of the rest of the guys that we are not dating and then the next day I end up kissing him, that too in front of the entire school. I know I... I acted like a...a bitch, but..." I stop unable to complete.

I had spoken all of it in one go, I don't know why but I felt the need to explain myself. I don't know what else has tomorrow got for me in store but I want to get a few things cleared with Cole at present without thinking about tomorrow.

"One thing that I know for sure is you did not like kissing him. Yeah if I have to talk about hating you than I honestly don't know, because if I did hate you I wouldn't be missing my classes and bringing you to my place. You could say that I was a bit hurt to see you like that, but when I saw what the rest of the people out there did not see, when I saw that you were doing anything but enjoying it, when I saw that he was forcing you into it, I decided otherwise. I wanted to ask you about it then but then I thought it might not be the best thing. So I didn't."

His words surprised me beyond belief. He knew that I was being forced, he knew it all and I did not know what I would say if he would ask me the reason. I look at him shocked but he doesn't say anything and I take it as a cue that maybe he dropped the topic.

I was also beyond relieved that he did not hate me or think of me in a bad way. And I did not expect anything more than that.

"Can I ask you one more thing?" I ask instead trying to make it more comfortable. He nods and hence I continue, "Why were your hands shaking once we reached here, I mean were you...were you regretting bringing me here?" this was another question that I was scared to know the answer to and I hold my breath till he speaks.

I see his face turn a slight pink shade when he starts to speak, "You already know now that I never brought any girl home...until today," he looks at me awaiting my confirmation and when I nod lightly he adds, "So I was just kind of I did not really know how mom would react to you, I was can say," he says "and for the last, I did not at all regret bringing you here."

"Is whatever your mom said true?" I ask tentatively with a small smile on my face.

His face now turns a darker shade of red and he groans loudly, " too don't get started on this, it is already highly embarrassing." He says and turns away, while I merely chuckle.

"I was very small when that happened, I wouldn't even remember it, if mom and dad did not make it worse for me by recalling the incident every now and then, whenever someone came home." he says, smiling softly. He was behaving like a child, and I liked this side of him.

Suddenly he turns again towards me with a serious expression like however he did when we were down in the hall and was about to ask something to me when someone knocks at the door. I turn around and see someone entering the room.

It was a boy in his early twenties probably, or even younger. He had blond hair and he was good looking. I think no one in Cole's family had issues with their looks. I realize the stark difference between him and Cole. They were completely different. And though he was good looking he was nothing in front of Cole.

"Hey beautiful!!"

What? Did I just hear him right?

"Excuse me?"

He raises his eyebrows but smirking he adds, "I am Ace Rider, Cole's cousin." His hands were in his pockets and he looked smug. Before I could speak anything Cole beats me to it,

"She is my friend and now, can you please leave?" I knew from his tone that he was trying his best to be polite in front of me.

"Just a friend? Well it is strange that you can be JUST FRIENDS with a girl?" he smirks looking at me and then staring back at Cole.

"In that case you are in for a surprise because he is my friend and... a great one I may add," I say glaring at him and speaking to him, who seemed nothing less than an arrogant jerk to me. His eyes snap towards me. He was too full of himself and no one behaved that way in front of me.

"You are saying that because you don't know him yet. He can never be just friends with a girl. Maybe you were a bit hard to get and so he is doing all these only to satisfy his male ego which he has in loads?" he held the expression like as if he knew more than I did, his words were bitter I agree, but I would be the greatest fool if I were to believe what he just said.

"I don't think I care whether I know him yet or not, because I trust him and your words won't change anything. He might not have had been 'just friends' with a girl until now but I am glad that I got to change that. And trust me when I say that he would choose me over and over again if he has to choose between me and his ego." His face was blank and I knew I had made my point clear.

It is my turn now to look smug. He turns to leave but before leaving he informs us that lunch is prepared.

I turn to look at Cole with a smile. He was staring right at me with an unreadable expression. His eyes were completely dark and his look once again made butterflies erupt within me with such a force that all I could do was look away instantly. 


Hello everyone, I know this is a very soon update considering I just published one day back. But that was on the New Year's Eve. This update is to keep in tune with my earlier promise to update every Sunday until the 31st of January. After the 31st of January I will re-decide my further publishing timings as my exams will be starting.

With that I end it here today. Stay safe and Take care of yourselves. Do Vote, Comment and Share if you like my story.


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