Chapter 12 : HIS Puppet

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"I was torn and sad because of what you did...and the fact that you did it to me all over again left me shattered..."                                    -Surls


"Finally......"I let out a breath of satisfaction as I stare down at the work that I have just completed. I then turn to gaze at the clock on the wall and see that it is past midnight. My body aches because of the continuous work that I have done after so long.

I gaze at the sleeping form of Cole on my bed. He had already completed his work half an hour ago; maybe because he had less work to do; and had laid down on the bed to rest. Soon sleep engulfed him and he was sleeping like a kid.

Cole wasn't a typical bad boy as I thought he was. And no one would ever believe that he could be a rude asshole at times if they were to see his angelic sleeping form now. He looked so innocent and pure that I'm sure he is far more different from me in various aspects. I suddenly feel a tug of jealousy and wonder when I last slept this peacefully.

I close my eyes and heave a long sign, and try to clear my mind of all unwanted and undesired thoughts.

I open my eyes slowly and I nearly fall off the bed on seeing Cole's face so near to that of mine. His hand snakes around my waist and holds me firm in the place so that I don't fall off. He is merely an inch away from me and a movement from anyone of us would crash our lips against each other. I too am unable to move and if I would attempt I am sure to land straight on the floor with my butt. I try to speak but his nearness makes it difficult for me to open my mouth and I fear that I might land up kissing him.

"May I kiss you?"


And then he kissed my lips, my cheek, my jaw and then he slowly went down towards my neck. I felt heaven beneath the touch of his soft lips. He caressed me like I was the only thing left in this world and I wasn't wrong. I was the only thing left for him to use. I was the most fragile, delicate and easily convince able girl. I was head over heels and I could be a puppet for him and only for him and this is what he used against me.

He kept on kissing me like as if there wasn't an end. As his lips moved down towards my neck I looked up and I got a slight glimpse of someone making our video through my partially closed eyes. And it is then that my world stopped right in front of me, my heart squeezed because of intense pain.


I shoved him aside and I felt warm water trickle down my cheeks.

"What...what this all," I said amidst my heavy breathing.

My heart was beating above normal rate and I feared that it might pop out of the rib cage anytime soon, now.

I closed my eyes and pinched myself, and realized it was all true. I heard some kinds of sound something that pierced through my heart like daggers. It was the sound of them laughing, laughing at the video they had just made, laughing at my helplessness.

It was one of those moments of life when tears feel like warm water droplets on your skin, when you feel numb, when you can't speak a thing, when you can't move, when your world has succumbed right in front of you and all you can do is stare at it blankly.... helplessly. I felt like that then.

My heart died and all I could do was cry.


"Owwww..... Are you for real? What would you do that for?"

"Do you realize that you were lost in your own dreamland for almost like half an hour and nothing would bring you out of your fairytale?" he says after having pinched my nose.

"Yeah.... Really that was a fairytale you know and you just disturbed me." I say sarcastically, not trying to hide the irritation I felt then.

"But couldn't you do any better than pinch. Like seriously?????? What are you??? A five year old kid who plays pinchy-ponchy."

"Hey! Be thankful. At least I woke you up or else you'd still be in your dreamland and maybe develop a leg cramp guessing by the position you are sitting in."

I give my sitting position a look and realize he is right but who am I to lie, my ego is too big for a douche like him, to accept that he is freaking right.

"Whatever helps you breathe," I say instead

"What?" he says with a smirk, "I've never heard of that before you know."

I just glare back at him in return, too tired to argue.

He slowly and carefully pulls me back onto the bed as if I am a small baby and he is afraid to hurt or even touch me elsewhere. And that in itself is strange, you know...

I show him to another room, the one just beside mine. That is the only extra room up here, and I take him there so that he can stay for the night, guessing that it is too late and it would be inappropriate of me to ask him to leave.

Though no one used that room still it was in a neat and tidy condition. I made sure that Aunt Margaret cleant all the rooms properly. I had dust allergy and I liked and wanted my surroundings utterly clean.

After leaving him there I come back to my room and I plop down on my bed immediately....... too tired to stay straight any longer.


NOTE: Hey friends the text written in italic is a small memory from the past, which Chloe is suddenly reminded of... so do not confuse it to be even remotely related to anything that Cole does.

Hey Readers! Here is the next chapter, hope you all enjoy reading it. Do Vote and Comment if you like my story.                                                                                                                         -Surls

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