Chapter 30 : Feeling Special

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"Pass me the mashed potatoes," she says.

We were halfway through our cooking, and after she was convinced of it, she had taken complete in charge, rendering me only as a helper. We had even taken a break amidst that to eat the food we had just left back there.

She was ordering me around, and was cooking everything on her own. After the previous, small exchange in between us, it was good to see her like this. She may not have had agreed when I asked her if the last person she cooked for was Ashton or not, but her eyes told me otherwise.

Curious that I was to know the complete story, I still did not want to pester her to tell or even remotely recall something that she detested. I could see the façade that she was trying to hide, to keep up, the secrets that she was keeping veiled within herself.

She was a puzzle I wanted to unravel but not by force.

I look at her working in the kitchen. She was slow due to lack of practice but her stance and her orders told me she was experienced. I wanted to taste whatever she cooked; I wanted her to leave behind a part of her past forever by beginning to cook again.

I did not know yet the complete thing but if this small thing could help her in any way I was ready for that.

"COLE!!!???" I hear her scream. I look around startlingly to see if she is in trouble but when I see she is alright I frown and look at her.

"What? Why did you scream?"

"You were completely zoned out for like god knows how long, I was asking you to pass me the rice but you were too lost to notice or to even hear me..." she says

"Oh!! Sorry I was thinking something," I say nonchalantly

"And since when did you start apologizing and yeah thinking as well?? Last I checked you did not have a brain." She says amusement evident in her tone.

"Really?? Do you want to know what what my so non-existent brain is capable of thinking?" I say smirking at her.

"Do you think you'd have anything to tell?" she asks and I could swear that she wasn't afraid, and I liked how unaffected she could be at times.

"I am sure that it would be you who would be apologizing next, if I even began on what I am capable of..." to this her smirk widens nonetheless and she says,

"Until then why don't you just pass me the bowl of rice and show me that you are successfully capable of moving your limbs?" She easily diverts the topic and I merely chuckle.

I pass her the bowl of rice and moving towards her I ask, "So will you tell me now what you are cooking?"

"You are really impatient," she says smilingly frustrated, "I am preparing mashed potatoes with some fried rice and also some pasta."

I see the amount of food she was cooking and couldn't stop myself from asking, "Do you think we will be able to eat all of it??"

She looks up at me like as if she just remembered something and begins, "I forgot to mention it to you but I was thinking about having a movie night if that is okay with you?" her face held clear delight and I couldn't suppress my smile on seeing her jovial self.

I was excited to see that she was finally trying to enjoy and come out of her secretive zone. And the fact that she wanted to have a movie night with me was even better.

I was about to nod in approval when just then she continues, "And yeah, one more thing. Why don't we call the others as well?? It will be really fun you know."

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