Chapter 36 : Junior Cole

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"Hey!! How come you are such an expert at it," I was slightly offended at how properly he just did it. I wonder for how many girls he must have done that.

"I am an EXPERT at whatever I choose to do," he says starting the car.

After washing my face we had made our way towards the car at the earliest possible, hiding from the watch guards and teachers who were walking here and there. After having successfully reached the car and sitting inside, he started to do my hair.

I wondered how he would do that as my hair was untamable without a comb. When he was done with whatever he was doing I looked at myself in the mirror and realized the wonder. He had neatly placed my hair in a ponytail and it had the perfection of a stylist.

I was jealous of his perfection but before I could contemplate anymore he says, "My mom likes it when I give her a head massage, and whenever I do so I always comb her hair as well. Her hair is also curly and untamable just like yours but I do it somehow and so I know how to do the hair." I notice his slyness while saying so.

I relax at his words and also do not fail to notice the closeness between him and his mom.

I feel a bit jealous but nevertheless happy for him...

He drives smoothly and in no time we are at his place.

We enter his house through a similar gate that was present back there in the pool house. The car takes a long turn from what I assume to be a well maintained garden, and when I look in the front I surprise myself by letting out a gasp. I close my mouth instantly, whereas Cole just chuckles beside me.

"Wow!! You have got a palace for a house.." I say still in awe with the view in front. I did not know much about Cole's family background, but I knew that he was rich. What I didn't know was 'He was so freaking rich...'

"Yeah!! But I like yours better..." he says the last part very softly and I notice the slyness in his voice. I was kind of surprised to hear this. Not that my house is worse or something, but it is nothing in front of Cole's.

"May I ask why?" I ask tentatively not knowing exactly which territory it is that I am trudging on.

He parks the car in the very front of the house and once we are out he hands over the keys to a watchman, probably; and starts to walk towards the front gate along with me.

He looks a bit hesitant and I control the urge to ask him, 'Why he is just so hesitant?' without having the answer for the first one. This could wait a bit more. Taking me by surprise he starts to speak,

"Um...well you see there aren't much people in the house, like it is just mom, dad, A.." before he could complete what he was saying the front door opens.

A lady stood before us in casuals, on top of which she wore a plain cream apron. She was extremely pretty even in the casuals that she was wearing with blue eyes and a slender figure. She seemed like a model to me.

I see her eyes widen while she looks at Cole and exclaims,

"Don't you have school dear...what are you doing here, and don't tell me you skipped..."

" to me first," Cole says cutting off his mom. So this pretty lady is his mom. Note to myself. I greet her by saying?? I don't know her name...!!

"Well...I am all ears.." her expression was strict and it seemed funny to see Cole cower in front of his mom. I wanted to laugh but I controlled the urge.

She hadn't noticed me yet and that was fine with me, as not always do we get to see this side of Cole.

"I have a friend with me and she..." before he could complete his sentence, his mom's head whips so fast in my direction, that I am surprised she didn't have an ache already. She stares at me with shock evident on her face.

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