Chapter 7:"Awww she is too eager"

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*Author's Note*(It is just a short one)

On a request from one of my readers BVMSLP_R to as to I should publish more often, I have decided to publish twice a week, but only until lock down still persists. It is because once lock down is removed we will have a lot of other works to do, due to which twice a week will not be possible. After that I will switch back to publishing once a week. I hope you guys enjoy the read...

*Chloe Armel*

The day passes out quite fast as I immerse myself copying the notes that I was unable to copy because of my absence the last week. Cole doesn't bring up the topic anymore and I am glad for it. After the first three classes in the morning we have a short 10 minutes break so that we can get refreshed.

In the third class Cole had to go for a basketball meeting. From what I came to know he was in the school basketball team since a long time. He was even chosen to be the team captain next year. This year some guy named Brandon was the team captain. He was a senior to us.

As soon as the bell for the short break rings I run out of the class towards the washroom, but soon I realize that I don't know where the washroom is. I look around to see if I can see any familiar faces but on seeing none I decide to take the help of a stranger.

I ask a small girl, surely a junior and she politely shows me the way. I even forget to say thanks to the little girl in my urgency.

The other periods also pass by quickly and then it is lunch break. My stomach starts to make strange sounds because of the hunger so I decide to move to the cafeteria. (Aunt Margaret comes late so I eat my lunch from the school cafeteria instead of carrying lunch to school by myself)

On my way to the cafeteria Andre appears in front of me. I meet his glance and flashing a quick smile in his way I try to move ahead but his huge muscular form continues to hover in front. I look up at him signaling him to move.

Though I am not much fond of eating, the hunger was taking over me. I rarely fasted unless it was some special ritual, as I can't afford to stay hungry. I also enjoyed cooking occasionally but that too only some special recipes or for some special people otherwise I couldn't cook meals for myself. I last cooked for Ashton in the ninth grade when we were paired up, since then I don't really remember cooking. Never did I get someone for whom I could and if it is for me Aunt Margaret gets it all done. Irrespective of everything she is an extremely good cook.

Once when I was small my mother took me to a mall for shopping basically for her own self as Aunt Margaret used to do the shopping thing for me until and unless I was fourteen years old and started to handle my stuffs myself.

She kept me without food till six in the evening as she was seriously busy shopping, GOD KNOWS FOR WHAT, until I started throwing tantrums and she was forced to take me to the nearest restaurant, when all the people around us started to stare in our direction as if a lion had suddenly barged into the shopping mall. Though, I did get a good deal of scolding later but it was worth the relief that I got, from that continuous shopping of my mom's.

When I realize that he still hasn't moved out of my way I say him as kindly as possible in my famished state, "Will you please move out of my way, you're blocking it."

He shrugs and questions me, "Aren't you coming with us for lunch?"

"Why?" I ask slightly perplexed.

"It is because you don't seem to have anybody else to go with. Or do you?"

I know he is right, but I give his invitation a second thought. Even though I know that I have no one who I am familiar with in this new school and by far no girl or boy has been interested making friends with me, irrespective of the fact that I tried my best to give them inviting friendly smiles. It seemed as if that the whole time they were scared of someone, afraid that if they come and talk to me they would be beaten to a pulp. I am sure it must be because of the fact that Cole is sitting beside me. Even then I think that there is no hard and fast to eat alone, it wouldn't make much of a difference, as I was planning to go to the library after lunch.

But when I look up I see a firm expression on Andre's face which tells me that he isn't going to move without me. So instead of saying anything I just walk away with him. After all I can always go to the library if I want. He stops outside the boy's washroom and tells me to wait for his friends, who are doing God knows what and are taking just so long inside.

Finally my patience gives way as I don't have much of it so I ask him which makes me regret later, "What are they doing inside?"

I suddenly realize what I have asked is inappropriate but it is too late. A wide smirk plays on his lips and edging closer to me he opens his mouth to say something when somebody gets in between us and shoves his chest away.

I am glad for the intervention though. I realize that it is Valentino who got in between. He tells us smirking, "Are you two trying to make out in public?"

I can see the giggle hiding behind his lips. Hozar too is trying to hold back his laugh. But when I notice Cole I see an apparently different expression. It is the first time that I am finding it so difficult to read somebody's expression. His face is so difficult to read or maybe I just don't want to?


"Yeah! But unfortunately you came in between. What a bad luck. Huh. A better try next time Coey," he says in front of all. Everyone starts giggling on seeing my so obvious embarrassment. Andre too bursts into fits of laughter on seeing my face.

I shake my head in rejection, to which Andre says, "Awww. She is too eager." Saying this he once again steps towards me.


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