Chapter 42 : The Gown Selection

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My mom had called Gina Patrick. She was a well known and most prominent fashion designer in our city. She was the one who would be designing the gown for me that I would wear on the Annual Business Ball.

The first thing that she started off with was taking my measurements. After her assistants had taken all of the necessary measurements, they began to show us various catalogues. It had already been an hour, and nothing was yet up to my taste. I was getting tired of the process.

My mom was looking at a separate catalogue, sitting slightly away from me. She too was unable to get hold of something suitable for me to wear on that day.

I was worried about studies and the huge pile of pending work that had accumulated due to my lack of interest over the past week. I had not touched my books this entire week, and I was seriously lacking behind in the notes and everything else that was going on in the class. I had planned to do some schoolwork after my dress selection, during these weekends. But it was taking so much time, and as time kept passing by I was getting even more weary. I wonder if I will have some stamina left to study.

Just then my mom comes to me with a folder. Her face was radiant and the look that she beheld told me that she had found something worth the ball. She hadn't approached me yet, and the fact that I knew that her choices are exceptionally good assured me that she had something amazing up her sleeve.

She hands me the folder in her hand. I take it and look at the gown AWESTRUCK. If there was something called perfect, it was this gown.

It was a full length sleeveless gown with ballroom skirt. It had a bateau neckline with an open V-back. It was golden in colour with rich intricate and posh designs. It had a glam look about it. And a single look told me it was perfect.

"Mom! It is perfect. Is it final then?"

"Do you want to final it up?"

"Yes!! And Mom can you please choose the rest, and do the details for me."

"But what if you don't like my choices?"

"I loved this gown which you chose for me, and I am perfectly positive about the rest of your choices, so you don't need to worry about it."

The fact that a gown was finally chosen made me more happier than the gown in itself. I get up from my place and waving a goodbye to all of them proceed towards the stairs.

"Wait up Chloe!"

"Yes Mom!"

"You got to choose just one last dress dear." I wonder why I need to choose another dress. Isn't one gown enough for that day?

"I already have a lot of dresses for myself. I won't be needing any more, Mom."

"You will be needing one." She was not looking up at me. She was busy eyeing another catalogue and I was getting curious and impatient as well.


"There is a dinner tomorrow night, know.." she lifts her shoulders slightly, but still doesn't meet my gaze.


She finally looks up at me. She was my Mom and no matter how our relationship was, I knew her well, and her face told me everything I needed to know.

"For the first time I agreed to whatever it is that you guys wanted me to do without any arguments, and couldn't you trust me enough to tell me the complete thing? If I agreed for the ball, you should have known that I will definitely agree for the dinner as well. Then why let me know this way?"

"The dinner wasn't very important issue to discuss then, so we thought we could let you know, now."

"That doesn't matter, what matters is I have a lot of things to cover up, a lot of schoolwork. I had left them so I could cover up during the weekend. Already a lot of time has been spent in the gown selection, and you want me to stay for another hour to choose a dress that too, on a last minute information. On top of which I will also have to waste my entire evening on the dinner tomorrow. Had you all told me about it then I would have tried to complete my work beforehand. I would have had known that I won't be getting time for studies, so I would have done something about it, prepared myself."

I was exasperated and irritated to the crevice. I was going to have an outburst and I knew if I stayed a minute longer, it would just happen right there, and I did not want to exhibit one, in front of Mom and also the others.

"I am really sorry dear, I did not know that not knowing about the dinner would create a problem, but you need to attend it for...."

"It doesn't matter now what the dinner is for mom. I will attend it. But please choose the dress for me on your own, because I will have to go and do some work now."

I turn around and head upstairs not knowing how I will manage my studies and complete the schoolwork on time. 


Hello everyone! I hope you guys are okay and doing well. Here goes another update for this week. Hope you all enjoy it. My exams have started and I am done with one paper. Six more to go and I have one tomorrow and guess what it is literature, I hope I will go by fine!

Anyways, do Vote, Comment and Share if you like my story. 

Surls :) :)

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