Chapter 3: Barefoot

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*Chloe Armel*

That day was the first day of our school and so we didn't have a full day classes, which I think is the best about it. I returned back home in my private car, which my dad had bought just this year as I was in high school now. As I sat back and went over thinking how my day had passed out in school I was a bit embarrassed when I recalled the way I had reacted to the mere touch of Cole. 'It was all because of Ashton Deville probably the DEVIL', I thought to myself, as I sat all alone in my room.

But once again my mind was soon preoccupied by the thoughts of the challenge that Cole had put in front of me. I wondered if I would be able to stop myself from falling for him, not that I doubted myself. Still I felt a bit insecure. I was thinking about him the entire time.

The way his dark brown eyes captivated me, his witty remarks though a bit annoying how they amused me and his little smirk which he never allowed to fade from his face.

Observing that I was thinking about him more than I should have been I thought of going to the nearby park so that I could get myself refreshed and not to forget get rid of the thoughts of Cole.

*Cole O'Connell*

I sat there back in my room unable to concentrate on anything that I wished to do at the moment. I found something weird in that girl. She has something in her which is getting me interested so much. She is not at all like those dozens of girls I have met in these years of my secondary school. Every girl swoons on me, they yearn for my attention, they are desperate to come close and get into my pants but Chloe seems to be totally different.

No one has said a 'NO' to me or has pushed me aside when I tried to go near them. As much as I am thinking about her the more I am getting confused. But I am sure that I am going to make her fall for me later or sooner.

She has now become my earnest desire and I have to get her. It is after all about my bad boy ego and reputation which I have. If in case she does not fall for me will it mean that COLE O' CONNELL has lost his bet? No, it just can't happen.

A girl had never preoccupied my mind so much as much as this girl seemed to do. I tried to throw away all those thoughts of her out, which seemed quite impossible. Suddenly my phone rung and I saw that it was Andre's.


"Hey! Hurry up here there's an emergency. Be quick. Fas......"

"Is everything fine."

"No. Nothing's fine. It's ....It's Chloe......."

The phone was already cut and I felt my muscles tense up as I was scared as to what had happened to her. My mind was unable to think of anything. I ran to the parking lot of our house and pulling the car in the driveway drove to where Andre's house was.

Andre's house was just next door to that of Chloe and we could actually see her bedroom through Andre's terrace, or so I was told by them when I was just casually enquiring them about her.

As soon as I reached there, not caring about where I parked my car I ran to where Andre had been standing with Valentino and Hozar. As soon as I reached them I asked them in a panic stricken voice,"Wha....What happened to Chloe? Is she alright? And....."

Before I could say anything else they burst into fits of laughter. I was shocked at first but when realization dawned on me I was ready to punch right in their faces with my tight fists. I was welling up in rage.

"Never ever try to play such a joke about Chloe. Do you know how scared I wa..."On realizing what I was saying was all that they had wanted to hear I stopped and wished if I could actually take back my words which I knew was impossible beyond means. They laughed even much more on seeing my pathetic condition.

"We know how scared you were for Chloe as we can see that you have come barefoot," Andre remarked. I saw that he was right and I was not wearing my shoes, I realized that I was in so much of hurry.

Once again I was shocked to see the kind of effect Chloe had on me. For a split second I wondered what would happen if instead of making her fall for me I fell for her instead.

"Don't say that our Cole is falling for a girl?"Valentino exclaimed and started laughing again. I could not help but give them an annoying smirk.

"He is not the Cole that we knew it seems. Our Cole never ran out in such haste even for his past girl with whom he had one night stand, on hearing that she had been seriously injured by a car. What's up Cole is something wrong? Should we go to a heart's doctor and check if you still have your heart in place or not. Should we?" once again my friends started to guffaw at my even more embarrassing condition.

It was only one day that I had met her still it seemed that a part of me did not want to lose her. I just could not understand anything. I never felt so with any other girl. The more the time passed the more was my curiosity growing in her. She was really different and this made me want her even more.

Now I not only wanted to have her but also solve the mystery that she was. I had known girls since years and I could make out that she was not what she pretended to be. There was something wrong.

Thinking that she was affecting my life too much I reminded myself that she was one of those other girls who had been in my life earlier, and nothing more. Andre spoke breaking my trance, "But mind it Cole she is not going to get trapped in your whatever you call as "WHO WANTS TO BE COLE's BABY" prank so easily in which you make the girls fall for you and after you get what you want from then you leave them,"

"Are you challenging my capabilities?"I snapped at him clearly annoyed.

Before our conversation could get any farther Hozar interrupted saying, "Hey! See we talk about her and there she is." We turn to face her when suddenly I notice that she has already seen us there.

Trying to win my challenge I make the first move and ask her where she was going and when she told me that she was going for a walk in the park I asked her if we could accompany her, as she was alone. We started going towards the park which was about only five minutes from there.


Hey! Amidst this pandemic of corona virus, we all are expected to stay inside our houses, to not only save ourselves but also the society and the world. I am from India and we are in a complete lock down and I have stayed within the four walls of my house since. I hope you people to whichever part of the world you belong are also following the decisions of your respective leaders. I would also like to request everyone to have faith in The God because as it is said, "Lord! Thy will be done," so please trust in Him in this most difficult situation of life. And I hope and pray to God that where ever you people are, you stay safe.

Amidst this lock down here goes another chapter. Hope you guys enjoy reading it. Please do Vote and Comment if you like it. It will motivate me to a great extent. Because let's not forget that a writer is made by his readers....


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