Chapter 26 : Friends

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I cannot say that Monday mornings are good; no student would, especially in high school. But I felt ecstatic at the thought that I will be joining my newfound friends after two long days. I was extremely giddy at the thought of being with them once again. I don't remember when was I last this happy to see anyone.

The day too was bright and sunny, and complimented my mood. I liked it even better.

I get out of my bed and move towards the bathroom. I freshen up in such a remarkable speed that I surprise myself too. My each step speaks of vibrancy and skipping on my way up to my closet, I pull it open.

I fumble through the many stacks and piles of clothes to find something suitable to my vivacious mood and the bright clear day. Finally my eyes land on a pair of skinny, high waist, dark blue jeans and a simple full sleeved lacey white crop top, which was light and pretty just like my mood and the day. I pick it out without further thought. Throwing my fluffy white bathrobe on one side of the closet, I dress up in the jeans and the top. I choose white casual sneakers to go with the overall look, and putting my hair in a high ponytail, I move out to the hall with my school bag.

I make my way to the kitchen, after placing my bag on the sofa and see if there is something I can eat before going. I find that I have no appetite left for food due to the excitement and happiness coursing through my veins. I feel unusually happy and all on my own I do a small giddy jumping dance in the very front of my kitchen counter, squealing slightly.

Finally I decide that it would be unwise to go empty stomach so I settle down for a cup of coffee and two slices of brown bread, stuffed with a bit of mayonnaise and vegetables already cut by Aunt Margaret. She knew I wouldn't eat anything if she did not ready it for me. I was a spoiled child you see. But today I couldn't care less. I clean up my plate the fastest I can and giving my smiling self a last look in the mirror I move towards the door and then out. On my way out I lock the door carefully and proceed down towards the front of my house.

I see the silhouette of a boy about to ring the doorbell of my house. I walk a bit further tilting my head slightly to see who it is and on seeing the person I call out,


"Huh!....oh yeah..Hi!!"

He must have not expected me, as he jumps up, startled on hearing his name. He looks in my direction sheepishly and with a slight smile, we both walk forwards towards each other.

I find the uncontrollable butterflies in my stomach erupting even more at the sight of Cole. All of a sudden I become aware of the fact that I have two pairs of legs and a pair of hands. I become aware of each and every part of my body unconsciously. It feels as if I am walking abnormally and I may fall any moment. Still I try to keep my cool and move in the most manageable composed manner that I can pull off.

He was wearing faded blue denims and a plain white shirt with white shoes, and I do not fail to compare the similarity between our choice of clothes today.

We look at each other and when he makes no attempt at speaking I say, "So?"


"To what do I owe such a pleasure of having you at my house, in the very morning?"

He looks sheepish again, and momentarily his expression makes me wonder if he is the same Cole I had met on the first day, the one who never talked straight. But the very moment I think, he decides otherwise as he speaks anything but straight.

"Why? Can't I come?" he raises his eyebrows at me.

"I never said that, it just a bit too early for you to be at my doorstep, given that it is a Monday morning and we have school..." I say shrugging my shoulders and trying to make my point clear so he doesn't misunderstand me.

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