Chapter 38 : The DEVOID she couldn't ever fill.

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"I'll be there in a minute mom." I say to her while placing my school bag on my bed. I had just returned back home after having called my driver to pick me up. Cole dropping me off to my place would be highly problematic if my mom were to see us.

I knew that mom and dad would be home today so I purposely came back home on time from Cole's place and requested him to not drop me off. He had wanted me to stay back to copy the notes but I disagreed and when he asked to come over at my place, I felt bad to deny him again.

I assured him by saying that we could copy the notes the next day wherever he wanted but just not today. He was suspicious regarding this but I was definitely not looking forward to telling him about how my mom had reacted the last time she saw me with him.

I did not want mom to see him all over again. I was worried about how she would react.

It is strange how the first day he had come to my place no one had a single problem even when I did not want him to be here. And now when I do want him to be here, my mom doesn't want to see him.

I shake my head at these thoughts and move to the washroom to freshen up before I finally walk down to the hall.

It seemed as if that mom had been waiting for me because the moment I entered the house she was here to tell me that they wanted to talk to me and so I had to go down to the main hall. It did not faze me though as whenever they wanted to talk about something they always did the same thing; they called me down.

I know that this time too like any other day, they want me to do something for them even if I don't want to. I dry my face with the towel and closing the door to my room properly head downstairs.

Mom and Dad were sitting together on the sofa. They were having a deep conversation between themselves by the looks on their faces. In fact they notice me only when I seat myself on the couch beside them. It is dad who breaks the conversation and looks over at me first.

We greet each other with a normal 'Hey' and 'Hello' and NOTHING more. This was my relation with my parents. I never visit them when they come back from work and nor do they. It has been like this for as long as I can remember.

They both look at each other and like always it is mom who speaks up, while dad just looks at me. I was trying to pay as close attention as I could to both of them but in all honesty I was beyond tired to even be there in the first place.

After the conversation with Ace back in Cole's place, we went to have lunch. All of us sat together, even Ace and we had our lunch. It felt strange but oddly it felt good. It was after so long that I was having lunch like that. And I felt good even though in place of my parents, it was only Cole's Mom.

I was accustomed to eating alone at home, except for when I went to school and ate with all of them and hence it felt completely out of picture to be eating with his family members. His mom had wanted to talk to me but Cole disagreed saying he didn't trust her anymore with me for the kinds of information she would end up sharing.

I had laughed at this a lot, but Cole ignored it completely and took me out for a long walk in his garden. When I say 'long' I mean it. We walked for around three to four hours all the while talking on various topics. It was strange how his presence made me forget everything so fast. And when the time passed by we had no idea.

He does things to me which I know not of, but strangely everything he does feels good.

I look at my mom and see both of them staring at me with shocked perplexed stares. I raise my eyebrows slightly and my mom speaks up.

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