Chapter 47 : Girls can do so much better

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"No no it is her first time," Sam was saying to Ryan. Ryan was Sam's acquaintance from St. George's. We were looking for our parents because until the ball officially started, we were probably supposed to stick to them so that they could introduce us to people or rather business partners. That was the way things were carried out in the ball.

God knows what kind of a rule it was!!!

But before we could look for them, Ryan called Sam up and started talking. And since then it has been five minutes he hasn't let us go. He was talking about somebody's 'grand entry' or something. I don't know because I wasn't paying attention.

He was looking at me in a really cringe-worthy way, and all I could wish for was to finish this conversation with him and excuse ourselves from there, or even more not meet anymore people as such in the rest of the ball.

And I think that Sam could feel that too, because he has tried more than five times to finish the conversation but this guy seemed stubborn and irritating as hell.

Just then before I lost my control Sam speaks up,

"I will get back to you later Ryan. I have got some more people to meet."

He had such firmness in his tone that I see Ryan succumb momentarily. And before Ryan could speak any further and stop us, Sam holds my hand and pulls me with him away from that 'irritating as hell' stuff.

Once we are at a considerable distance away from him, Sam leaves my hand and we start walking at a normal pace in order to look for our parents in a better manner. The hall was beyond just 'big' and the further we walked the more lost I felt.

Everything appeared to be rich and classy. There was no once of truth or reality in anything. Everything spoke 'FAKE', from people's layered faces to their plastered smiles. I wonder why anyone would want to be a part of it.

A few years back when I was in the seventh grade and I was really passionate about making my name in the corporate sector just like my parents, a teacher of mine had told me that the corporate sector looks glamorous only from far, but it is messier than politics once you have entered it.

I did not know the meaning behind her words then, but now I do and understand what she meant. And good luck or bad luck as it might be I am already a part of it and that is MY TRUTH.

I see mom and dad approaching us from a distance, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Walker. They seemed beyond jovial and though I was suspicious I was glad I did not give them a reason to be disappointed.

"I am just so happy I can't even express," my mom says and makes me wonder what I have done to make her this happy.

Mrs. Walker comes forward and embracing me and then Sam says, "Your entry for today's function has been termed as the grand entry for this year. Everyone is talking about it and they are praising you guys as a couple."

I really did not know how to reply to it, but I was going to say something when Sam saves me from the trouble of doing so by speaking up himself,

"Thanks Mom but we already know about it. Why don't we move ahead with the introductions part and get done with it before the ball commences."

I wonder if we really do know about it, but then I remember the conversation with Ryan and hearing them talk about somebody's grand entry.

Our parents walk ahead of us and Sam tags along beside me.


"For how long will this continue?" I say beyond exasperated.

"We are just halfway through the entire thing, there is more to go," Sam whispers softly in my ear. I turn sharply to face him with dread clear on my face.

"You are kidding me. Aren't you?" I was hoping against hope that he was lying, and a very thin silver lining of hope surrounded my thoughts.

"Hello Mr. Goenka, how is everything going on with business. I have heard that you have got a very big deal going on with the...." My dad was probably speaking to another guest, to meet whom, he would call me up soon.

I was tired already and according to the various stories that Sam was telling me for the past 45 minutes, this was just the beginning.

I have been only meeting people since the past 45 minutes or maybe even more and I was tired of smiling at everyone and answering all of their questions. I wanted to let them know how irritated I was in reality and how glad I would be if only they would leave me alone.

I couldn't even remember the first person my parents introduced me to because of the continuous ritual of meeting guests after guests. It would somehow be pleasant in developing the business relationships according to my parents.

"The ball is about to start so you two should go ahead and take some rest and relax yourselves alright. And Chloe, Sam will explain you the rest." Mom says all of this and even before hearing our reply she leaves us alone.

I look up at Sam to see amusement clear on his face. He had been telling me all kinds of stories since then and I believed him like a stupid moron.

I wanted to get into a really good argument but my mouth wanted some rest from the continuous talks so I just give him a small unpleasant look to which he merely smiles and I focus the rest of my attention on the ball instead.

Many people were there by now, and the hall seemed a bit more crowded than the last time I actually paid attention to it.

"You know I am really enjoying myself at the ball this time," Sam says out of the blue. I let what he just said sink for some time and then ask him,

"And why's that?" I was seriously wondering what he found interesting in the ball this time that I didn't.

"It is all due to the rib tickling reactions that you were constantly giving the entire time while going through the strenuous process of 'introductions.'"


He suddenly turns a note serious and adds, "Last year I was going through it all so it wasn't amusing but... I never knew that watching someone like you could actually be this hilarious."

And at that moment I wanted to make sure that each and every strand of his hair was right out of his scalp. But then I remembered 'Girls can do so much better.'

I give him a really tantalizing smile and move slightly closer just enough that if I stamp his foot no one should see it was me or rather think that it was done on purpose. And exactly at the moment when he was least expecting it and was probably trying to figure out what I was trying to do I do the deed.

He winces slightly in pain and before he steps back I whisper, "I assure you this is going to be the best part of MY ball."

We both end up laughing at that, while I shake my head at our stupidity. I turn once again and try to pay some attention to the ball also, when what I see turns my world in turn.

I just couldn't believe my eyes.

Cole was standing a few feet away right in front of us, talking to someone. I felt sudden happiness grip me on seeing him.

Like as if he could feel me looking at him, he turns in my direction and his eyes directly land on mine. And just how I had predicted he sets an entire zoo of animals open right inside my stomach by merely a simple glance.


Here goes just another update everyone. This makes it two for today. I will be posting another two chapters on the upcoming Sunday. I hope you all like it. 

Do Vote, Comment and Share if you like my story. 

Surls :):)

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