Chapter 8 : Chagrined

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"When we act due to extreme pain and anger, the consequences are always to be faced with a head bent down in shame."                                                                                                        -Surls

*Chloe Armel*

I try to step back when Cole comes in between and says, "Aren't we going for lunch?"

Andre steps back and says, "Oh! Yeah, let's go."

Slinging his arm around Valentino's shoulder he moves away along with Hozar following them, leaving me and Cole behind.

"Thank you," I say to Cole as we move towards the cafeteria.

"For what?" he asks looking confused.

"Hmm..... for saving me from that misery." I grin at him and then start walking without waiting for his reply.

He catches up with me and looking sideways in my direction he says, "Oh! But saying 'Thank You' is so unlike you. I thought you didn't know courtesy." I feel his direct gaze pierce my skin and feel a bit awkward too as I am not used to such intense staring. Trying to break the silence and awkwardness of the situation I retreat back at him, "Huh! Like you actually know?"

He just frowns at me. Before he could say anything else and our bickering could continue, we reach the cafeteria and settle down for our lunch at the foremost table. I go and fetch boiled rice with some boiled vegetables and a bottle of water. I settle down on the table beside Cole, the only empty place, to eat.

I ate boiled food mostly. Since I had started to drink, I had more and more health problems. Our family doctor to whom I show, told me to go with boiled foods and also to leave drinks. I had decreased drinking to a large extent, but I still had to continue with such food habits. Honestly saying I don't like it but I have no other option.

I suddenly feel everything around me still and silent, and so when I look up I see their direct gazes on me or rather I think at my lunch, like as if I had a snake or something on my plate. Trying to break their stare I almost yell, "WHAT?"

All of them drop their gazes simultaneously from my plate and then looking at me they start speaking in sync,

"Are you serious?"

"Don't say that you are dieting cuz' I see no need for you to."

"Are you going to eat this?"

"Are you crazy?"

"Are you a savage?"

Unable to comprehend and answer any of their questions as they all are speaking almost together, I finally say, "WAIT... Firstly, yes it is for me. Secondly, I am serious about eating it. Thirdly, I am not dieting," and considering the last question which was surely from Cole I almost chide at him, "And lastly I am not a savage. Can't humans eat this?"

I almost glare at him while saying this. All of them burst into fits of laughter. I give them a questioning look which says 'What's wrong with you guys?' Andre replies seeing my look and says, "Can you please do the honors of saying us the reason why you are eating this?" Once again they start laughing like as if they had just heard a mouse sing. I'm sorry but my sense of humor is not nice. Anyways I still tried.

"Look, I'm just health conscious. Oily and fried food don't go along with my health and taste. I'm happy with this. Boiled food is much better for my liver."

"Oh! So oily food harms your liver whereas intoxicating drinks don't?" Andre asks me throwing a glare in my direction which I know is out of concern. He has always been like a brotherly figure to me, irrespective of his continuous flirting efforts. I know he thinks of me no more than a little sister. Even with Ashton, he had always been protective about me.

But his question is sudden, that too in front of everyone. I almost forgot that it was Andre who had told Cole about it, and therefore, Hozar and Valentino were also sure to know about it. Till now I had thought that no one knew about it, but right now at this moment I feel extremely awful. I was never the kind of girl, who could be easily let down by someone. But today seeing that it is due to my own fault, and habits I feel extremely CHAGRINED of myself.

I look up at Cole who understands my predicament and explains them saying, 

"Guys, let's not bring this topic right now."

They nod in understanding but Hozar does not fail to add one of his unbearably polite, witty remarks, "Since when did you start being her protector Cole?" everyone starts laughing except Cole who was now giving a death glare to all of his friends.

Soon the bell rings signifying that it is the end of the lunch and so we all start moving towards our classes. The school hours soon come to an end and I realize that majority of my notes have not been completed.

Being the nerd that I am, I wonder if someone could borrow me their books. But unfortunately enough there is no one who could borrow me their books as no one knows me yet and I find it uncomfortable to ask to just ANYONE. Frankly speaking, if I would have been in their place I would have not given my books either.

Soon I realize that only Valentino can borrow me his books as he is in the same grade as mine. Without a second thought I go to find Valentino in the hallway, as everyone has already left the classroom except me. But he is nowhere to be found. So I finally decide to borrow the notes from him in his house as soon as I would reach there.

With this thought in my mind I leave the school compound.


Hey Readers! Here goes my first chapter for the week. As I had promised I will be publishing twice a week hence forth until the lock down is over. Hope you all enjoy reading. Please do Vote and Comment if you like my story. 

Also take care of yourself during the pandemic.

                                                                                                                                                      - Surls

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