Chapter 4 : Tear

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"It was too late when she realized that the only weapon that she had, left with her, for now and for ever, were non other than her tears."-Surls                                

*Chloe Armel*

I had planned to go out in the park so that I could divert my mind from the train of thoughts that continuously kept entering my mind about Cole. And to add to my miseries all that I needed was Cole and his friends themselves accompanying me to the park.

As soon as I had stepped out of my house, my eyes fell on them and it was not late that I realised that going to the park was actually a bad idea, when Cole came towards me and asked me if they could accompany me to where I was going.

I had met him recently and I could not be curt to him so I had agreed. I had already behaved rudely to him earlier in the day and though what I did was appropriate according to me my goody goody conscience did not let me be at peace.

I was walking quietly as I was not in the mood to talk at all. I listened to their conversation without making an effort to speak; gladly enough no one asked me any questions or even bothered about the reason behind my silence.

Though I was somewhere within sad and felt alone even in the middle of four boys but it seemed that I was now used to it as it did not affect me much.

I was looking down and walking when I realised that I had bumped into someone, suddenly realising that it was not a mistake I looked up to see who it was. Ready to smack the person right and left if in case I found that the person had purposely bumped into me. My previous 'Don't you dare come near me or else I'll kick you in the place where the sun ain't shine' was back. As soon as I lifted my head to see who the nuisance was, my heart sank deep down somewhere, nowhere to be found as I tried to accept the fact that Ashton was standing in front of me.

It was the third time that he had appeared in front of me after everything was finished between us. My heart sank even more when the thought that he might do the same thing again to me entered my mind. The only thing I could wish for then was that he had not come to meet me for some evil purpose lingering in his mind.

I mentally prayed to God, maybe thousands of time but it seemed as if my prayer did not reach God when it was the case of Ashton and this made my trust from God vanish every time little by little. I had prayed ten times less to god this time.

I didn't want my energy to be wasted in doing something that had no effect as I thought that I would need my energy to beg before Ashton if the need arrived. Not only this, I was totally unaware of my surroundings as Ashton stood in front of me with an evil smirk playing on his lips.

I mentally even slapped myself for even coming to this park. I was hurt and sad but more than that I was scared of him.

I felt an arm around my waist that pulled me towards itself, no wonder it was Ashton's. My heart beats were faster than ever. The evil that I sensed in his eyes was enough to scare the daylights out of me. I was never the type of girl to be blackmailed or to be afraid of something I didn't do, but it seemed that by being the closest person to me in the past years of my life, he had a firm grip on my weaknesses.

He knew my weaknesses much more than me. And he was skilled enough to use them against me. I just couldn't do anything. I always found myself just so helpless when I was with him. Before it used to be because of love and now it is because of fear.

I heard his soft voice as he spoke loudly enough to be heard by the other boys with me, "Hey! Chlooee it is so long that I am seeing you. I am very glad on meeting you here."

My fear for him could not stop me from snapping my harsh words back at him, as I stated," I wish I could say the same for you. But now I need to get back home it is getting late."

My voice was both full of anger and much more than that fear. It is said that, "Courage is not the absence of fear but acting in spite of it." Maybe because of this reason whenever I felt fear creep through me I also felt a tug of courage trying to fight back but it seemed that the only problem was that his evil intentions were far greater than my courage....I tried to pull myself away from his grip but it was too firm for a feeble girl like me to pull away. (not underestimating my capabilities but it was the truth as I was subjected to only medicines since my very birth. Firstly, due to premature birth secondly, due to my asthma problems and thirdly, due to my dust allergy. I know it sounds so pathetic but this was me mentally strong and physically weak Chloe Armel. But it seemed that sooner or later I would also lose my mental strength).

"What's the hurry, my love? Why can't you just spend some quality time with me in my bedroom." His already wide smirk grew even wider and I could do nothing but wince at the mention of bedroom.

It was not that he was openly flirting with me but in fact he was openly molesting me. The reference that he had made to me by calling me 'my love' used to send tickles though my body a few years back but now it only brought out the disgust that I was full of for him.

"But...But I don't want to go?" before I could say anything he glared at me and yelled, "I am not asking your permission Chloe, I am saying you."

Before I could say anything else Cole stepped in front and glaring back at Ashton said, "If she does not want to go you can't force her do you get that." His eyes were flaming with anger or maybe something else, I just couldn't exactly place his expression. I knew he is trying to protect me somehow, but when the realization dawned on me that his attempt would be futile, I could do nothing but stare down at my feet blankly.

"Hey! Don't you dare get in the middle. Leave her to me. I know how to handle her. After all she is my girl. And if you want you can ask her, if she says 'NO' you can take her." Saying this he glares at me as if trying to remind me of something.

When I realize what he actually means I can't do anything except say to Cole that I am ready to go with him. At this even Cole stops to interfere. His eyes were still on me as I tried to suppress back the tears. It seemed as if he is trying to read me. I felt as if his inner conscience is trying to make out if there is something wrong. But for my own good I was not that easy to decipher. I kept my expression as blank as possible.

I didn't want him to see the hurt and anger within my eyes. The best thing that I liked about my eyes were that they never spoke what I had in mind unless I wanted people to know. No one could exactly tell what I am feeling at the moment and I was glad for it, unless and until my tears spoke for me.

Before Ashton's strong arms pulled me away a single tear dropped down my cheeks and I wished that he had not seen it. But I was wrong as he had already stepped in and was to my rescue when I brushed the drop of tear and shoved his chest away before he could get to me and rather curtly I said," Dude its none of your business. Just stay out of it."

I could sense the rage welling up but I couldn't do anything. There was something else that was there in his eyes along with anger, something that I had seen a lot of times in my own eyes, while sitting in front of the mirror, something that is called......HURT.

I actually wished if he could help me. But I knew that how much ever helpless I was, so was he.

I went along with Ashton.....  


Hey Friends! Here I am with the 4th chapter. Hope you guys will enjoy it. If you do please let me know through your votes and comments. It would really mean a lot.


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