Chapter 48 : Out of Bounds

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Chloe Armel

Cole was looking at me. His entire attention was now mine. He checks me out slowly, moving his eyes all over my body, from top to bottom. And then once again his eyes stop on my face and I momentarily feel his gaze land, for some moments on my lips too. I wanted to avert my eyelids due to the intensity of his gaze which seemed to pierce right to the core, but I was entranced.

I feel my insides churn at the look he was giving.

Just like as if he remembered something he looks at my side and I see the sudden change in his demeanor. His face hardens just like it had when Valentino had hugged me during lunch. His jaw line was clearly visible and his eyes were firmly set on Sam. With his hands put inside the pockets of his pants he starts walking in our direction. But this time he was looking at Sam.

A girl follows him and starts walking beside him. After a few seconds of analysis I deem her to be his partner, though she looked older than him.

She was wearing a burgundy gown with a ballroom skirt and was walking beside Cole as if she owned him and that made me scowl.

Cole was also wearing a maroon suit with a dinner jacket on top resembling that of her, with a black shirt and tie. No doubt he looked dashing and handsome just like always but the fact that he resembled someone else made me feel irritated.

"Hey princess!" he says easily while standing right in front of me. He was looking at me while I was busy admiring his so- called partner.

On hearing him call me 'princess' the girl winds her arm around his and stands a bit closer to him. I try to ignore her and her silly actions and focus my attention back on Cole and greet him back.

Sam who was standing quietly beside me until now, whose presence I seemed to have ignored the second time, greets Cole too and strangely enough also the girl beside Cole.

"You both know each other already." Sam adds.

Cole greets him back and says, "Yeah of course, she is a great friend of mine, but how do you know her?"

"Well you see our parents officially introduced us to each other for this party and I feel more than just lucky to have such a pretty girl as my lady." Sam says in his same dramatic style, while I only look over at Cole who raises his eyebrows at this. I was merely looking at them talking and discussing stuffs about me like as if I wasn't even there.

"Yes you are really lucky because in reality she is out of bounds."

Now it was my turn to raise my eyebrows. I look at him skeptically wondering many things at the same time.

Wondering if he would voice out my thoughts!?!

Cole looks at me appealingly for once and the look he gives is enough to melt my insides.

"What do you mean she is out of bounds?" Sam says in the same overdramatic way that I was used to by now and then he adds directing his speech towards me this time, "Didn't you tell me Chloe that you are single?"

I was about to agree to him when Cole speaks again. "Unfortunately she is out of bounds Sam, because..."

"Because?" I was intrigued to know what he meant more than even Sam.

"Because ...." Cole was looking at me amusingly. He was testing my patience and playing around with me. He had the same teasing look like always and it made me confident that he was enjoying himself more than anything. Tonight two guys had been amused seeing me in a mixed state and it was getting on my nerves.

"Cole!!" I whisper yell at him warningly, glaring at him. He takes a step closer to me and comes very close. Bending down only very slightly he looks darkly into my eyes like as if he were peering directly into my soul. His eyes fall on my lips and I feel my heart go cold suddenly. It was all strange but before I could react and think coolly he lifts his head and turning abruptly he says,

"She is out of bounds because she doesn't date."

It was the most simple and easy reply and expected as well but a part of me felt disappointed. Only God knows what I was expecting and before I could further the conversation, the announcement for the first ball dance takes place.

All of the teenagers who were in the ball for the first time were to assemble in the middle of the unnecessarily big hall room with their partners. We were also supposed to interchange our partners and dance with three more different people. Only after this would the first dance for the night come to an end.

The announcement had caught all of our attention and we had all turned in the direction of the speaker.

The end of the announcement led to many cheers and claps in a row.

But my attention was focused on Cole who, not bothering as much as to give me a second look holds the hand of his so-called partner and takes her along with him to the dance floor. 


Hello Readers!

I am really really sorry for the late update. I would without specifying any form of reason would only like to say that I will be trying my best to update as frequently as possible in the upcoming days considering the upcoming situations. 

Hope you all enjoy my story. Do Vote, Comment and Share if you like my story. 

Surls :):)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2021 ⏰

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