Chapter 9: PRINCESS?

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*Chloe Armel*

I reach home at around 7 pm because of tuitions. Actually this is the reason that I say to my parents but after school I go to a tuition which is only till 5 pm and the rest 2 hours I come to this riverside area to view the sunset.

I have never been good at descriptions, but still, there is a long river which is covered with tress on one side. On the opposite bank is a large area filled with different varieties of flowers. There are roses of varying kind and daffodils. There are also other species of flowers but I don't know them as I have never been to the other side.

We can also have a beautiful view of the setting sun in the evening which I love to see. In fact it is the best part of this place. After about 8 pm the sky gets filled with stars and the beautiful moon shining above makes the river look extremely captivating and eye catching. It looks like the moon is dancing in the midst of the river.

A cool breeze generally blows here and no sound can be heard here, except the sound of some night insects and birds.

The atmosphere is even better after nine, but I am unable to come here all the time at around nine, especially when my parents are home.

It is only when my parents are not home and I do not have much assignments to do that I come after nine. During other situations I prefer the evening view and the sunset.

I might not be able to describe the scene but to be true no words can actually describe the beauty of this place. I was first brought to this place by Emma, my Best Friend since kindergarten school. 

Since then I had started to come to this place to get rid of the loneliness that I felt after God took away my only friend away from me.... I think it was then that I first found my Faith in God shaking.

This place has a lot of memories. And unfortunately enough it is also the place where everything else that ever happened to me, my dark past started.

Only a few people know about this place and those who do rarely come as it is far away from the main town, and therefore maximum times I find myself all alone here. This place is also not easily approachable as it is hidden behind a dense forest, which you can cross only if you know the exact path, in other situations a person might even get lost in the density of the forest.

I visit this place frequently as it has been there to soothe me in my most difficult predicaments. This place makes me feel closer to nature and God, irrespective of whatever it holds for me. So whenever I feel my faith in God dwindling I make sure to visit this place to restore it, by remembering how it was only God who was there with me in most difficult situations, in my ups and downs, how he never left me.

Though, irrespective of all my faith keeps decreasing each time he fails to answer my call....

I don't know why but the tiny fragmented pieces of my heart believe that one day I will regain all my faith, my dignity and my self-respect in the same place where I lost them all. It believes that PAST REPEATS ITSELF, and this time when it will repeat itself it will either destroy me completely or reawaken everything that is DEAD within me...

Not every day do I come here but still most of the time when I am free I do come. There is also a small boat which takes us to the other side of the river, but unfortunately I have never been to the other side because of the lack of a person who could row a boat. I have brought some of my favorite people to this spot but none knew how to row a boat, and none stayed for long enough to help me fulfill my wish.


I was lost in my own little world when suddenly I realized that I have not yet completed my notes and my deadline is tomorrow. I hurry towards where my car is parked and sitting in the driver seat, drive to my house.

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