Chapter 32 : "Do you still love him then?"

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I finally see her bedroom door open, and Ashton stepping out, he looks at me and smirks and walks out straight from the back door. Why the heck was he even here?? My blood had been boiling since the very moment I saw him. It was 10 at night and he was in her house, and he even dared to go to her bedroom. Like hell!!!

I fu***ng wanted to kill him right there, wipe that arrogant smirk of his face. I wanted to...

My thoughts stop the moment I see Chloe step out of her room too. She was looking here and there and seemed a bit off. I was mostly worried about her and the fact that what he was doing INSIDE irritated me. If he wanted to talk, couldn't he talk out???

The anger surfaced again the moment I thought about that guy and it was only the look on Chloe's face that made me remember that I had more important thing to care about than that d**k head. Her eyes hesitantly meet mine, but she looks away. She looks at the other guys too before looking at me once again. She tries to smile but when I don't her face turns graver.

How much ever I had wanted to be angry at her for going INSIDE ALL ALONE with that bastard of a person, I knew I shouldn't be. I did not know anything but from what happened last time I was sure of one thing and that is, she definitely did not like his company. She was being forced into it. By whom or what I do not know too.

She needed someone at this moment with her even if she wouldn't accept that or ask it, of anyone of us. And I wanted it to be me to be with her. I wanted to support her. The last time my ego came in between and I let her go away with him, and shatter herself but definitely not this time.

She comes and sits on the empty chair, which I had purposely placed beside me. She attempts another smile once again at the rest of them and asks, "Why did you all not start??"

"We were waiting for you." Valentino replies politely, trying to ease the tension. Andre and Hozar were staring at Chloe like as if they would somehow find out the truth just by looking at her.

She mumbles a quiet 'Oo' and was about to start serving probably, when Andre speaks up, "What did he want with you at this time Chloe??" he seemed serious unlike any other day and I was thankful for what he asked her, because the same thing had been going within me too.

"He wanted to tell me something." She says not looking at all; at anyone of us.

"Hmm...doesn't he have your number or can't he wait till it is day, instead of approaching you at night?" Andre poses once again, and for the first time he was talking sense instead of just flirting around.

I see Chloe raise her head at that, and she seems to be completely taken off-guard, before she replies, "It was urgent."

The tone and her curt reply made it clear that she did not want to talk anymore on this topic, but whoever knew Andre knew very well that if anything was impossible to do was to shut up MR. ANDRE DACOSTA until he got all his answers, and believe me when I say he had his ways.


"Isn't he the same guy whom you dated a year back??" he asks still. GOD!!! How do I shut him up? The only way was to answer back, say something rude, curse, or tell him he had no right to interfere in my damn life. But who was I kidding?? Would I do it??

Now when they are the only friends I have got, when I would do anything to stay friends with them?? Of course not!! I wouldn't, due to my not so glam past and not so nice ex, spoil my damn present. I had coped up with it for so long, I still had to do, with an addition of keeping my friends, not leaving them this time.

I did not want to end up doing something I did a year back, something that left me more damaged that Ashton could have managed. I did not want to be the reason due to which my PAST REPEATED ITSELF. I let out the breath that I was holding for so long and start speaking,

"Yes. He is the same guy I dated a year back, but he is not my boyfriend anymore,"

I knew his questions wouldn't stop anytime soon, and for the first time I was willing to answer the questions.

Just like how I had expected Andre asks me again, "Then why are you so badly affected when he is around you, if he is not even your boyfriend anymore? Like he just walks inside your house at this time, and asks you to go the room to talk to him alone and then the last time...remember? What did he even do to you that you had to skip school and be all wasted?"

My heart stops beating at this moment; though, I was expecting it. I did not want to recall past events; but I knew my reply and collecting myself I speak.


I see all the colour drain away from her face at what Andre just asks, still she starts to speak,

"Hmm...firstly, I am not affected by him anymore; it is just that first love always leaves traces behind no matter how painful it is." Chloe answers and I feel my heart ache. She loved him. How didn't I notice it?

She takes her time before speaking again, "Secondly, we have some things to discuss over an important matter and so he comes to my place,"

"And what is it that you all have to discuss??" Hozar pipes in before she could continue.

"Well...that is something...I...uh..." she exhales a long breath and says, "I trust you guys more than him," she looks at everyone except for me to make her meaning clear and continues, "but still it is something I am not supposed to be saying to anyone. There are many things at stake you see..." she finishes, the guys nod in understanding while I merely look at her.

"Do you still love him then?" this time it is Valentino who questions, and how much ever I would have wanted to know the answer for myself as well, a part of me was scared to know the answer.

"No." She replies looking directly at me. And at that moment I swear her eyes spoke words no one could hear but me. And before I knew it I was smiling like a maniac.


Hello Everyone!!! I hope you all are keeping safe. Take care of yourselves and your family.
Here goes an update for this week. I hope you all enjoy it. Do Vote, Comment and Share if you like my story.                                                         -Surls

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