Chapter 10 : WHY NOW??

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"I was a candle, but you being the flame melted me down."                     -Surls

Chloe Armel

I and Cole together enter my building. My car was not yet parked so I go towards my car to park it.

"Am I supposed to be standing all the time here until and unless you park your car?"

"What do you mean?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"What I mean is....... Can't I get the keys of your house so that I could be going inside?"

I decide that it would be useless to argue with him so though reluctantly but I give him the keys of my house.

Cole O'Connell

The fact that I will be able to copy the notes along with Chloe, that too in her place made me happy. I was really thankful for this idea to have popped up in Valentino's mind. Unknowingly enough, Valentino did me a great favor.

This not only meant a step towards making Chloe fall for me, but also a wonderful opportunity to have an insight in Chloe's personal life and know more about her than she actually lets off considering the kind of girl that she is, totally different from others.

I open the front gate of her house whose grandeur is no less than a seven star hotel or maybe a palace. It was full of intricate designs, and it spoke of money and power.

I go inside and find myself inside a dark hall? Maybe, I don't know. I fumble for the light and on finding it I switch it on and see that it is a big hall capable of accommodating a lot of people at once and I think that the word grand would be an understatement for its beauty and luster. I was not shocked on seeing the huge hall but rather, on finding that Chloe was from such a rich family but yet she was so conservative, plain and simple.

Had any other girl been on her place they would not have had left the opportunity to brag about the riches and wealth and shown off all this in some way or the other.

I think I still have a lot to know about her. Without wasting further time pondering on my own thoughts I try to look for something that could give me at least a little more glimpse of her personal life.

I see two huge flights of stairs at both the extreme ends of the hall leading to a common storey. The strange thing that I find is that there is only one door leading to..........god knows where. There are also no photos or pictures or anything as such which can say something about the family that stays here. It is as if that people came here only to pay a visit and not to live. There are only two rooms in the ground far as my guess is correct that those two doors enclose rooms within them. 

I am so busy in my own thoughts that I do not even notice Chloe behind me until she says,

"Are we going to spend the entire night in the hall just standing and doing nothing?"

I turn back with a jolt at her sudden voice and when I do so she stumbles backwards and is about to fall when out of pure instinct I place my hand around her slim waist to hold her steady.

I am completely captivated and lost in her dark brown eyes, when I hear someone clear their throat. I nearly drop Chloe on the floor.

Chloe Armel

At the sound of my father clearing his throat Cole nearly drops me on the floor but fortunately I clung on to him on time. I steady myself on my feet and look up at the expectant faces of my mom and dad and I know what they are thinking and hinting at with their raised eyebrows and suspicion full eyes, and before their thoughts could go hay wire I clear my throat in order to get rid of the awkward situation or rather awkward silence which is making me uneasy and say,

"Umm....... Mom, Dad he is my ..... Ummm"

"Best Friend," piped in Cole from the back.

"What? No way. He is just my friend and he is here to help me out with some school homework and some notes and nothing more. And how come you all showed up today? Weren't you all supposed to come tomorrow?"

"Dear, aren't you happy to see us here today?"My mom remarks

My mom is a petite lady yet with ample beauty. My dad on the other hand has a broad muscular physique. Maybe it is due to this that I am neither petite like my mom neither huge like my dad. My relatives always say me that I have got the best from my mom and dad.

"Huh..... You know it is nothing like that and I didn't mean it that way. I'm just curious and just ...," I tumble off.

"It's okay we were just kidding. By the way, what notes do you want? It is just a week of school and you are already asking for notes. Aren't you attentive in class or have you been skipping on classes, huh?"They give me an expectant look, waiting for me to reply.

The thing that strikes the hardest is that why the heck do they care NOW??...When so much time has passed by, when they had left me all alone on my own, then why now??? Was it because Cole was here, or is it something else, or is it that their so called 'hidden love' for me has all of a sudden come to surface and they have realized that they have a daughter whom they gave birth to.

Anyways, I come back to reality and realize that I have more pressing issues to handle.

I know Cole would say that I was absent for a week and so on but I wasn't ready yet to see my parents' reaction to it as they were totally ignorant about it. And I was not planning on letting them know any time soon.

I have hidden it so well from them until now and I am sure that I will not let any stupid guy who I have called here just for some notes to just spill it out all and land me in the biggest ditch that ever existed for humans. So before he can speak up I say,

"Actually I......Uhhhh......You know.......I am finding it a bit difficult to adjust to the new environment and even to catch up with the notes and so on, so he is just trying to help me out of this mess you know....."

"Oh! We see."

They say so and nod their head in understanding.

I then settle on the sofa in the middle of the hall to study but my parents interrupt saying,

"Chloe looks like you've forgotten the etiquettes of a good girl. He has come here for the first time. Go show him around the house and give him something to eat first and then start off with the work that you have at hand that too in your storey and not here. Is that clear?"

"But dad...." I try to argue as I was in no way interested to let Cole in my storey.

"No arguments hereafter. And dear son do make yourself at home and if she misbehaves do come and tell me. Is that okay?" "Yes...Mr......."

"David Armel but you may call me Dave."

"Yes Dave."


NOTE: An image of the kind of hall that Cole sees has been given above. It is exact only in structure and layout, but the designs are more lavish and modern. 

Hey Readers! Here is the next chapter. Hope you all enjoy it. Do Vote and Comment if you like it... Stay safe and take care                                                                                                                  -Surls

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