Loving The Devil {Chapter One}

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Yvette's pov
Have you ever imagined how did your life turn about to be such a mess? Relatively, I did not do anything for my life to be like this. It was just fate.

Deep in my thoughts, I heard my mother shout

"Yvette come downstairs!"

Can't a girl get a rest?

I walked downstairs dragging my feet in the ground like an overdue pregnant woman. My parents face lit up immediately they saw me.

"My beautiful daughter..." My mom started, what are they up to?

One thing you should know is that my parents don't compliment you for nothing. They need something in return.

"What do you want?" I asked narrowing my eyes at them.

"Oh my God, she's on to us" my mother whispered to my dad loud enough for me to hear.

"Nothing sweetheart" my mother chuckled nervously "Your dad has something to tell you."

My dad looked pale at her words "Me?" He gasped. "It was your idea" he mumbled

"You are the man of this house, it is your responsibility" my mother demanded.

"Oh short up" he said and then started laughing.

"Short up... Do you get it?" He pointed to me laughing, I just stared at him like if he was an idiot till he saw my face and stopped.

With a serious tone "Darling sit down" he instructed as I did so.

"My dear as you know, things are very hard for us and there are a lot to do, the laundry shop is not moving well, your mother job at the newspaper factory is not paying much..."

"Well, get to the point" I said eagerly, I hate when people beat around the bush.

"Your mom and I can't further your education unless you get a scholarship, so we were thinking if you would want to join me at the laundry shop for the meantime."

At that moment I was speechless, things started slowing down, and the room felt so small and my breathing became rasp as I struggled for air.

"Take it easy dear. Breath in and out " she said gesturing with her hands and after repeated process my breathing was back to normal.

"I.. am... not ...working at the laundry" I said slowly still catching breath before I walked out on them.

Is this the end of my life? What have I ever done to deserve such life? I'm not a fan of school but I need it to be a very good business woman in order to excel. How can I accomplish any of that without education, I've worked so hard on my grades, to keep a steady A's but fate just had to step in my way of success and all.

The funny things is that I can't seem to find tears anymore. I have shed so many tears on this matter and I'm tired, I'm so fucking tired of all this bullshit.

My phone started ringing, I lazily got up to see the caller ID through my phone cracked screen, the name 'Skye' appeared.

Skye is my best friend from kindergarten till today and still counting, she's fun, annoying, beautiful and crazy, and I mean crazy. She once dated this boy he was good looking and all, but he cheated on her probably because he was a man whore due to his good looks. When Skye found out, she pulled her boots and hit him on his dick really hard and now rumors has it, he hardly fucks girls. Isn't she wonderful?

And one of  her special talents were gossips. Crown queen of gossips.

"What's up?" I asked in a monotone voice.

"You sound so off, but I'll turn you frown into smile" she giggled over the phone.

"What's the special news?" I asked,

"My boss said he wants to see you today, you might be employed. Yay!" She shouted.

Oh my God, at least there's one good news today.

With a rush I got up from the bed happily.

"Okay, okay I'm coming" with that I ended the call and started to change, it is already 4pm so normal clothes will be the best. I changed into a white t-shirt and black sweatpants, took my purse and rushed downstairs.


"Mom I'm going out" I yelled loud enough for her to hear me

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"Mom I'm going out" I yelled loud enough for her to hear me

"Okay dear, be back on time" she yelled back from wherever she is.

I did not even bother to answer before I dashed out of the house and took a bus to the coffee shop. The walk is about 40minutes and I have no fucking time for that crap, this is a matter of life and death.

I got down at my stop and walked into the coffee shop. I scanned the room for Skye's brunette hair, I sighted her taking a table orders. Her eyes immediately lit up when she saw me. I gave her a little wave and she responded with a smile. I watched her submit orders to a boy with black hair before she ran towards me and hugged me.

"Let's go. He's waiting for you" she grabbed my hands and dragged me to his massive office. It was dark, the only light you could see was the light from the corridor.

"Boss she's here" Skye said.

"Come in" he said authoritatively. I swallowed a lump in my throat as I obeyed. This is the type of scenes where they kill the girl heartlessly.

"So you think you have what it takes to work at my coffee shop?" He said coldly.

"I don't know sir. I do make coffee a lot for my parents and sometimes for customers at my dad's laundry shop. But I think I can be more experience and make honest money from here" I said trying to cover the fear in my voice

"Hahaha.." he laughed evilly "Skye, she thinks she has what it takes to work here" he told Skye as she joined him with her own laugh. Suddenly they stopped laughing.

"Kill her!" He growled.

Yay I'm done with my first chapter people. It was fun🤧

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