Loving The Devil {Chapter Twelve}

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Yvette pov

Did the meaning of the word DAD change and I wasn't aware. It's been so long I looked at social media. Maybe someone changed the meaning of dad.

"I don't get it?" I said.

"Oh my princess you are so big" the unknown-known guy walked towards me and caress my cheeks.

I took a step back "What are you doing? And who the hell are you?"

"I'm your dad" he said

"What dad? I had only one dad and he died two weeks ago. "Mom, what's going on?" I asked

"Yvette its a long story" she sighed holding one of her arms like a scolded a child

"Obviously" I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"I'll tell everything" she said.

We'll I don't see any reason you wouldn't give me a reason?

"18 years ago or let's say all little longer than that, I met your real dad, Timothy who very close friend with your supposed-to-be dad, Benjamin. At that time, we all were closed friends till we started developing feelings for each other, apparently they were both in love with me and I had feelings for the both of them. But I loved Timothy more. I had a one night stand with both men and got pregnant. I never wanted to get an abortion and I didn't like the idea of being a single mother, moreover my family would kill me. So I gave the responsibility to Benjamin since he was rich at that time and Timothy wasn't doing so well. I thought with Benjamin I could give you a good life but it didn't happen like that. I conducted a DNA test unknowing to Ben and Tim and it confirmed that Timothy was your dad but it was too late for the truth"

"I didn't tell anyone a thing till Timothy and I crossed path two years ago and I told him, we kept on seeing each other occasionally" she explained "I'm very sorry darling"

"No..." tears streamed down my eyes "...this cant be happening" I fell to the floor and sobbed into my lap.

"Yvette" she said.

"Leave me" I said quietly and I was thankful they complied.

After crying my eyes out. Timothy, or rather my dad sat next to me.

"I know you are upset and angry. But please do find it in your heart to forgive me and your mother. Ever since you were born, I wished you were mine and just two years back your mother told me you are mine. I'm meant to be upset with her but the love I have for her is way more than the hate and that should apply to you too" he lifted my chin to meet his eyes, he gave me a smile that showed his deep dimples like mine.

"My whole life is a mess" I told him before I rested my head on his chest.

"It isn't, you've got me now, your mom and friends" he said and I sniffled in my cry. My mom came into the room and hugged me and for some reasons I didn't return the hug but she didn't let go nevertheless.

She looked at me "You can come and stay with us" she said.

"Sure. But not now, I still need to clear my head" I told her and she nodded that she understands.

"No problem... maybe during the wedding preparations" she said lowly.

"Wedding?" I asked I'm confusion.

"We are planning on making it official, so we are going to wed" she said

"Oh" was all I could say

"Do we have your blessings?" Timothy.. my dad asked.

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