Loving The Devil {Chapter Thirty Six}

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Audrey pov

I'm bored out of my mind. I've watched movies, I've played games on my phone, I've sang, I've dance, I've eaten, I don't know what more I can do. I've attended my online classes for the day and also practice my scripts for the movie. My hair is now blonde again by the way.

Andrew left me at home saying he has to finish something off at school. He is now home schooling since he has to insisted to be at home with me. I've tried calling everyone to visit me, even Nana is busy. I never thought I would say this or even think about it but I feel the urge to go to work today.

The past days I've had company and I was actually getting sick of it but I can't tell them that when it's your mother and boyfriend's mother. They came everyday, sometimes so early in the morning, so we decided to set a schedule. My mom comes Monday and Wednesday while Nana and Lilian comes Tuesday an Thursday. Anytime they came, they prepared anything I felt like eating, I don't like stressing them but they insists on doing it. My taste bud is actually getting better, I do crave some spoilt things at times but I can eat normal food again. Then there are somethings I don't eat again like fish, olives, nuts and fruits like oranges, watermelon,  and anything with vanilla scent... and I love vanilla it's so weird my baby doesn't like it. My skin has almost regained its color and I'm not that skinny anymore, my eyes are still very much blue only if you look closely you could see the grey. To round everything up, I'm actually improving, at least.

I and Andrew friends and our parents are the only ones that knows about my pregnancy and we've intended to keep it that way till after our marriage. My friends were ecstatics by the news and they couldn't wait for them to shower my baby with unending love and gifts. Jane doesn't know and Skye begged for it to stay that way.

I was going to make some eggs when my phone rang. I didn't know it could do that anymore. The caller ID showed it was Charlie. I picked it up before placing it on my ears.

"I thought you and Mark had a date" I said dryly.

I knew that was not nice of me, but it was the first thing that processed on my brain and my mouth decided to pick it up. Don't blame me, I'm pregnant.

"We broke up" he said.

Oh my God. Yvette, you and your stupid mouth.

"I'm so sorry, Charlie" I said softly.

"It's fine. Can we meet up? I need a friend right now" he said.

"Sure. I'm sure I can leave my extremely busy schedule" I said sarcastically making him chuckle.

"Good. I'm at the park in April Way" he said.

"See you in 30minutes" I said before he hung up.

"I'll just have to eat this later" I said to myself, looking at the eggs in my hand.

I changed into a oversized collared shirt and blue jean shorts with a white sneakers. I wrapped my hair in a messy bun and picked my purse and car keys before stepping out.



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