Loving The Devil {Chapter Fourteen}

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Yvette pov

Andrew picked me up from my new house but he was quiet and seemed unhappy since I filled him on everything.

"Why are you so glooming?" I asked him. He's usually not like this he would have said something stupid but yet funny by now.

"Nothing. I'm perfectly fine" he replied coldly.

I don't know why he's being like this, maybe he isn't interested in the date. That's the same attitude Michael put on when we went on our date.

"If you don't want to go on the date, all you have to do is say it" I said frustrated.

"What?" He said looking confused stealing a glance at me before looking back at the road.

"I don't like the way you are not talking to me. I feel I'm forcing myself on this date or whatever" I said.

"No, I'm happy about going on a date with you. I'm just worked up on another thing" he mumbled.

"Does it have anything to do with me?" I said. For some reason my voice is high.

He sighed "Yes" he said

"Then tell me, because I don't know why I feel guilty"

"It's because you're leaving the house. I wouldn't have to see you every morning. I'm happy that you are hell more than balance in your life but I'll also feel empty that you wouldn't be around" he said.

I couldn't help but laughing, he looked at me confused.

"Why are you laughing?" He said.

"It's just adorable seeing how much you'll miss me. I'd move in with my mom in two days, so that means we two days to ourselves"

"Hmm. That's nice but not enough" he whined

"Stop being such a baby" I laughed. He mumbled something under his breath and I gave him a look.

"So where we going?" I asked.

"I was thinking we could go to a bar, get drunk, have unprotected sex and make a baby" he said.

See what I was talking about. Something stupid.

"Just kidding" he laughed. He knows he has to say that because the eye I'm giving him right now could put him six feet under. "We could go play bowling, and then go for some ice cream and the last place is a surprise" he said.

"That's nice" I said. "Why's the last place a surprise?"

"Because it's special" he smiled.

"Someone's being romantic and you said you have never dated before. How would I know you're not lying?" I said.

"Here, call Ashton" he handed his phone to me "Ask him" I took the phone but it was locked.

"It's locked. What's the password?"

"050921" he said. I typed in the password and it opened.

There was an unaware picture of me as his home screen wallpaper. I was smiling at something and damn I was cute.

"When did you take this picture?" I asked him.

"It was at my place, Ashton was saying something funny and you have this adorable smile on your face. I took a secret picture" he said.

Wow. I'm so shocked, he really does like me.

"Oh okay". I went to his contacts and dialed Ashton. After the second ring he picked up. "Hey Ashton" I said.

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