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Andrew pov
"Dada!!!" God that scream woke me up almost every morning.

"Dada!!!" Another yell came again.

For the past five years I've been going through this; little voices in my head. I wished for ten kids but I only got four and now I wished to half that four. Yvette only wanted two and now I see the reason why. She was keen on having just two kids but somehow God did it and we've got four even if we visited the labour room only twice. The first gave her hope that her wish was going to come through. The second time was crazy, we got three. Till today Yvette still blames my pull-out game.

I opened my eyes slowly to see Yvette stirring up in her sleep before her beautiful eyes opened.

She looked at me and just as usual she manages to still pause my breath. She's still very beautiful and she's not aging, she's still in her late twenties and she's still so young and full of lives. You would never expect she's a mother of four, she still does dance challenges on TikTok.

"Merry Christmas pumpkin" I told her with a smile that she returned back.

"Merry Christmas boo" she said before giving me a kiss on the lips. Unfortunately the kiss couldn't last for 10seconds before we heard little knocks on our door.

"I get it" I sighed.

I opened our room door to see two pairs of eyes starring at me brightly.

"Dada!" Bailey and Hayley screamed at me with the most adorable smile ever.

"My babies, merry Christmas angels" I said picking them up and taking them in the room. I left the door opened incase Kaylie and Alex decides to run in.

They climbed on their mom immediately they saw her on the bed.

"Mama!" They said to their mom giving her beautiful smiles.

"Hey sugar. Merry Christmas my babies" my wife said to them before kissing her them all over, making them giggle.

"Where's Kaylie and Alex?" She asked them.

"Alex is twying to curl Kaylie hair" Hayley answered with the most physical description ever.


With a speed of light I was at the triplets' room and Hayley wasn't lying. I saw my 5year old son trying to curl my 2year old daughter's hair.

"What the hell did you smoke boy?" I said taking the curling iron from his hand and carrying Kaylie.

Alex just smiled before running away probably to meet his mom.

Alex was a headache. A little demon if I may say. Out of all our kids, he had the most trouble, except the day of conception. Yvette went through hell carrying him for full nine months, she couldn't eat, she couldn't sleep, she couldn't do anything. She loss color and drastically reduced in weight, considering the fact she was thin already and for some reasons her stomach was massively large for just one baby.

During day of delivery, he refused to cry and that was going to cause an issue medically. After thorough physical contact, he finally cried.

From the first day I saw him, I knew he was trouble but yet it was one of the happiest days of my life. Yvette has fallen massively in love with him, although I love him just as much but Yvette is just so... obsessed with him.
The triplets were my favorite. Bailey, Hailey and lastly Kaylie. The were not identical but anyone would know they are triplets.

Yvette gave birth to them during the seventh month of her pregnancy and they were not easy for any of us. Yvette could eat a whole horse when she was pregnant with them but she was still very sick and skinny but she was not as worse as when she was carrying Alex. Let me just say Yvette pregnancies are not the best case actually.

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