Loving The Devil {Chapter Twenty Seven}

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Yvette pov

"Know matter what you do, don't let Andrew cook for you" I said.

"Trust me, we know that" Lewis said and we laughed.

"I lost my appetite for two days when I tasted the food you cooked the day of the competition. Stay away from the kitchen" Ashton told Andrew.

Andrew placed a hand on his chest feigning hurt. "I can't believe you guys speak so ill of me."

"Charlie has been so quiet recently and always looking at his phone" I said.

"He has a new boyfriend" Maddie answered.

"That's sweet" I cooed looking at Charlie who was sitting down and smiling at his phone. He did a double take when he saw all us looking at him and smiling goofily.

"Love is in the air" Ashton sang.

"Fuck you bitches" Charlie screamed at us.

"Fuck you too" we screamed back at him.

When it was noon they all left, leaving me and Andrew. I was clearing up the house when a strong pair of arms wrapped my waist from behind.

"Finally we are alone" he smiled. "Show me what I missed" he said.

"Naughty child" I laughed.

He carried me to our room and had a blissful day (not sex). His birthday was next month, two weeks from now to be precise and I wanted to give him you know.. you know.. for his birthday. I just pray I'd be around and not in New York for his birthday. We spent the rest of day in the pool and when it was evening, Andrew sent me off to my parents' because he had something important to do. We agreed we'd meet at tomorrow's night.

"Darling, I made dinner" my mom shouted.

"Coming" I yelled back. I went downstairs and as usual sat at my regular spot on the dining.

We stared eating "Noah, is going to be in New York and you'll get the chance to meet him. He requested a meeting anytime you are free."

"No problem" I smiled.

"You are doing a runway photoshoots in New York and you have few photoshoots for your dad company tomorrow."

"No problem" I said. I thought modeling business was a breeze.

"Don't worry darling. I've scheduled a three months holiday from modeling after this. But you'd be in California for rehearsals of the movie" she smiled.

I never wanted to act since I wasn't sure about my abilities but my mom said it is a good social climb, so here we are.

"When am I taking a real holiday mom?" I asked her.

"I don't know, darling. You are completely booked this year" she said.

It's just January for crying out loud.

I finished eating and took an excuse to go to bed taking Snow along with me. I placed snow on her bed before I laid as my phone flashlight came up indicating a notification. It was a message from my boyfriend.

*Are you sleeping already?

~No. I'm just so stressed out.

*Sorry bout that. Your choice of career is not that easy, lol.

~Are you mocking me? You'd be graduating from college next year and start working at your father's company. Let's see who'll laugh last

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