Loving The Devil {Chapter Thirty Five}

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Yvette pov

I slowly lifted my head to see my mom's blue eyes on me. Her face was blank but I knew better than everyone she was over the edge.

"Yes mom" I answered slowly.

Daddy eyes was like it was going pop out of its socket and his breathing was rasp.

I looked at my boyfriend's family and what I saw made me so confused. Lilian and Nana has the biggest smile on their face while Landon just seem.. chill.

"This is good news" Lilian chimed.

"It is mom" Andrew smiled softly.

My mother banged her fist on the table "No it's not. Yvette outside now" she said standing up.

I stood up too but I was not following her outside. "Anything you want to say, say it in front of both of us" I told her.

"Fine. Yvette what was the one thing I told you always told you about?" She asked me.

"Use protection in order to avoid a baby" I replied.

"Was that so hard?" She asked me rhetorically "You have a career and education to pursue and end up pregnant?" she said crying.

"Do you know what I went through being pregnant at a young age? I suffered physically because I was always sick, seeing you now means that you are following my steps. I also suffered financially because I had no money. I suffered socially because I had no friends anymore, everyone claimed me to be the spoilt girl who got pregnant at age 16 and society mocked me. All that affected my emotional health because I kept wondering, will I be able to take care of myself? Will I be able to take care of my baby?"

With this she had broken into uncontrollable tears. I am scared. I'm very scared for myself and my baby, I don't have a single plan. My money is more than enough to take care of my baby for the next 10 years but I don't know if I will be able to give my baby the love its deserve. The story behind my baby conception wasn't good to start with, I didn't have my baby by plan it was an accident but I do know I'm not going to give up and I'll do anything to give him or her a normal childhood.

"You think, I don't know that?" I asked my mom as tears clouded my vision "Did you think I planned this?" I asked her.

She gave a dry laugh "Believe me, no one ever plans it" she said.

I was getting fed up about all this.

"I was drugged when it happened!"

My mother eyes shone brighter than a torch of light and for the first time in tonight she couldn't find a statement.
"Where.. where.. where you raped?" Lilian asked putting her hands over her mouth.

"No but I was drugged and so was Andrew we don't know how it happened but we ended up sleeping together" I said "So if you think I was just careless, you are free to think that. All you need to know is that I'm keeping my baby and I'll raise him or her in the best way possible, even though it's scary for me."

I wiped the tears flowing from my eyes and sniffed my nose to prevent snorts from flowing.

"All I wanted is a little support, just emotion support. I never wanted to tell you about this, heck I would just show up with a blown pregnancy but we had the decency to tell you guys" I said.

"They are right. I'm fully with you and I'll help you with anyway I can" Landon said and I can't help when a smile formed on my face.

"I will too, that's my grand baby" Lilian smiled holding her husband hands. Fresh set of tears ran down my cheeks, they were not sad ones but happy ones. I buried my head in Andrew's chest.

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