Loving The Devil {Chapter Forty}

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Yvette pov
After my breakdown at the airport, I was rushed to the hospital and I stayed there for a week. I've been through hell. I lost my fiancé and I almost lost my baby. I've been crying myself to sleep and waking up with tears. I've tried calling him but he doesn't pick up it, it goes straight to voicemail and I'll leave countless messages for him, none to which he replied. For the first time, the tabs doesn't have a location of his whereabouts and it's driving me insane. Why can't they be useful when you want them to be? I'm not sure I will make it without him.

The only person who comes to visit me are my friends and parents. Nana came once and it was to say goodbye and to inform me of her return to the island. I've tried asking them where Andrew could be but they all said they don't know.

The only reason I'm still here is because of my baby. Micheal and his mother hasn't dare showed their face because I'm going to break it.

I sat on the hospital bed changed into a t-shirt and some shorts. I was waiting for Skye who decided to stay with me for the meantime, I'm not going to stay at my parent's, I'll stay at my house and wait for the man I love to return to me.

The door opened and I expected it to be Skye or my doctor but it was Lilian. I was surprised but it didn't show, I made sure my emotions never spilled around anyone. I keep my words short. I don't always react. I stay cold.

"How are you?" She asked me.

"Shit" I mumbled.

"I'm sorry this had to happen to you. I don't blame you, just so you know" she said.

"You shouldn't" I muttered staring at the floor.

She kept quiet for a while before she spoke again "I just wanted to make sure your okay and happy. Andrew would want you to take care of yourself"

"Don't fucking say that" I said with an extremely dangerous tone "What I want is Andrew" I said.

"I know darling and I've never admired anything more than the love you have for my son. I really wished you could be together"

"Oh please. It was you who suggested he should leave me in the first place."

"I know and I'm sorry if you feel I gave you the wrong advise but it's what's best" she said.

"If you are really sorry, tell me where the fuck Andrew is?" I screamed.

"He's.. he's at.." she started but was unable to complete her words.

She does know where he is. This is the furthest I've come with anybody.

"Tell me where he is Lilian" I said leaving the bed.

I felt the pity in her eyes for some seconds and I felt a little hope but her eyes turned cold the next minute and just like that my hope perished.

"I can't" she said sternly.

Before, she could say anything further, I dropped on my knees, surprising her.

"Please.." I said with tears flowing from my eyes like an endless stream. "...tell me where he is"

I look pathetic but if pathetic would get Andrew back to me, I would gladly be pathetic. Lilian bent down to reach my level and held me up to stand. She hugged me tightly crying on my shoulders. My body felt too numb to hold her back, so I just stood still and let my tears fall.

"I'm so sorry Yvette. I wish I could make everything better but I can't. I'm doing this for your own good" she said before she broke the hug.

"I better go" she said leaving the room and just then Skye entered confused.

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