Loving The Devil {Chapter Thirty Four}

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Yvette pov

I held the two pregnancy test stick in my hands that showed the positive sign of pregnant. Tears streamed down my face as I looked at the sticks.

"Yves, calm down. This could be a blessing in disguise" Skye said.

How is this a blessing in disguise? It more like a blessing on undercover.

"What am I going to do?" I cried.

"Your first step is to talk to the baby father about it" she answered.

Talk to Andrew? I can't talk to him, he's a teenager he doesn't want a baby at this age. He'll probably tell me the worse.

"What if he wants me to abort it? I don't want an abortion, I can't kill an innocent baby, my baby" I said placing a protective hand over my stomach.

Skye gave me a small smile "Your motherly affection is already showing" she said hugging me.

"I'm not going to tell you sorry for having this bundle of joy. I'm going to say congratulations Yvette, you are going to be a great mother" she said. This is the most heartwarming thing so far, at least my best friend is on my side. I hugged her tightly and she wasted no time in giving me a warm hug.

I don't even know what will be Andrew's reaction, all I know for now is that I'm keeping this baby but I wouldn't mind a little support from him.

I heard the front door opened and closed "Pumpkin, I'm back" I heard Andrew shout from the living room.

"I'll get going. Be strong for you, me and the baby" she smiled before leaving the room.

"Hi, woah.. your hair looks cool" I heard Andrew say.
Right. I'm still in pink hair.

"Thanks. Yvette is in your room. Bye" I heard her saying.

"Okay. Bye" he said to her.

I was standing awkwardly in the room waiting for him. Immediately he opened the door, his eyes nearly popped out.

"Is there an anime festival going on?" He asked making me chuckle a bit.

"Skye and I just wanted to get crazy a little. I'll wash it out after some days" I said.

"I love it. It makes you look adorable and same time sexy" he smiled.

He walked closer to me and kissed me. I held his lips firmly like if this was going to be the last kiss we were going to have.

Knowing Andrew he'll know something is up with me "What's going on?" He asked, his tone was laced with worries "Are those tears?" He said cleaning my tears stained cheeks.

I couldn't even find words as I faced palmed myself and cried harder.

"What's going on?" He said his voice filled with panic.

"I'll tell you later. Go and take a shower" I told him sniffing my tears.

"No. I want you to tell me first" he shouted.

"I promise I'll tell you, I just need you to cool down first" I told him softly "Please. It would give me time to recollect myself" I said.

"Fine" he said.

I sat on the bed bringing knees to my chest and tried thinking of all the possible ways I can tell a 19 year only teenager he is having a baby. I've watched scenes of teen pregnancy a lot, the boy will always reject the baby after screwing over the girl especially in Telenovela's series.

Andrew came out of the shower, he was covered with droplets of water and he wore no shirt and only his tiny boxers held his huge 'commando' firm. He walked into our walk in closet and came out wearing a black joggers, still he wore no shirt.

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