Loving The Devil {Chapter Three}

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Yvette's pov
The next day I was clearing out a table at my new work place when my phone dinged in my apron's pocket. There were only two customers in the shop, who probably came here for gossip. Working at this coffee shop has great advantages for me, for example the free juicy gossips that you hear.

I checked my phone to see it was a mail sent by Styles high. I opened the mail with a hopeful heart and I read it.

I got in. I fucking got in.

I squealed in excitement, startling Skye in the process.

"I got in. I got into Styles high" I told her with a wide smile.

She shone her eyes in shock before breaking into a big smile and squealing with me. "You got in. I'm so proud of you" she said as we hugged each other warmly.

Boss Sue, my new boss came out of his office with a sword. "What happened?" He asked raising his sword.

Where the hell did he get a sword from?

"Skye got free scholarship into Styles high. We were only screaming cause we were excited. So can you put that sword away?" Skye said with an eye roll.

"Congrats Yvette. You can go home and tell your family. Go on" Boss Sue told me with a polite smile.

"I'm shift isn't over yet." I said to him.

"It's just twenty minutes more. Run along" he said.

"Thank you so much" I said with a wide smile.

Boss Sue is actually a nice guy. He's so entertaining to be with and he treat his staff like friends and family.

"Can I go home too?" Skye said with a hopeful grin.

"No" he answered her making her smile drop into a pout.

"But Yvette and I work the same shift" Skye grumbled.

"You didn't get admission into the biggest school in America. So no" he said with a toothy grin.

It was fun to watch them bicker but I had to leave. I kept my apron at the back ready to leave.

Immediately I opened the front door of the cafe, a bright flash of light almost blinded me, making me shut my eyes. I opened them back to see thousands of reporters asking me different questions.

"Miss, how did you pass the exam?" a journalist asked me.

"How does it feel to be in a school off your status?" another asked me.

"Is thus the greatest opportunity you've had in life?" another voice asked me.

"She would not be answering any of that. Run off" Boss Sue said from behind me. "Yvette go through the back door and avoid paparazzi" he whispered in my ears.

I nodded my head in response then followed his instructions.

When I got home, I closed the doors behind me with all force and started breathing heavily due to all the running.

"Hello dear" I turned to see my mom and dad standing while a man with cooperate suit was sitting on our only chair.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Nothing darling" my mum answered with an over-suspicious smile while blinking her eyes like an..... idiot.

"You must be Yvette Whites" the man said with an over wide grin.

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