Loving The Devil {Chapter Seventeen}

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Yvette pov

I sat on the hospital bed with my mom and Timothy at the room discussing among themselves about the occasions at hand.

"Andrew wants our honeymoon to be on his island" Timothy said.

"Wow. That would be perfect" my mom smiled. "The wedding cards are also printed out, only our closest friends and family are invited" she said.

"That's fine by me" he said holding my mom's hand.

I just kept silent and looked at them. They do love each other, even though dad is dead and Timothy isn't him. I'm still very happy for Timothy and my mom to be together. I'll try in my possible best to see him as my father.

Without saying a word, I held them both at the neck and gave them a hug, they was taken aback but they returned it.

After some seconds we broke the hug and my mom giggled.

"As for you, young lady" she bopped my nose "Your birthday is going to be the talk of the world" she said.

"I've told Skye not to let you see your gown till your fitting" she smirked "I already know it's going to be wonderful" she smiled.

"Thanks mom" I smiled.

"No problem".

"Can I stay at Andrew's one last time?" I asked my mom with a pout.

"Sure darling. But like I would say, always use.."

"Protection" I completed her words. "Mom, we are not having sex, we aren't even officially dating yet" I explained.

"Hmm. It's just a matter of time" she smirked.



I forgot Timothy was still here making my face redder than a tomato.

"Mariam, Yvette should stay out of the reach of boys. The incident that happened today, should never happen again" he said.

"Okay" I said with a smile. He's just like dad, always protecting me from boys.

"If any boy tries to mess around with you. I'll skin them alive" he growled.

"That's alright Mr Skinner" my mom said dragging him out of the room with her.

The doctor came in after some minutes to discharge me leaving me some painkillers for any headaches or migraine.

Andrew was the next person to come to my room and he drove us to his house.

It was around 2am in the morning, so he wearing a hoodie and sweatpants since he got home and changed. The house was so quiet mainly because everybody was asleep, so I got in my room quietly.

I changed into some women gym shorts and an over sized t-shirt I stole from Andrew's wardrobe.

I heard a soft knock on the door, I didn't reply before the person came in. It was Andrew.

"Yvette I'm so sorry" he started.

"You don't need to apologize. I'm not mad at you" I said and he only gave me a tight nod not truly convinced.

"Can you sleep with me, at least only for tonight?" I asked softly.

I kept my eyes on my toes incase he rejects the offer.

"Of course" he said and I looked up to see his bright blue eyes on mine.

I laid on the bed before he went the other side and lied down too. We kept staring at each other not saying a word but saying a billion things with our eyes.

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