Loving The Devil {Chapter Eleven}

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Yvette's pov
I entered a room with Michael. Honestly I really don't want to see his face right now, but I have to act mature.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked carefree.

"Please give me a little detail on what's going on?" Micheal asked with his hands on his waist like an over-stress father.

"I don't think I need to give you more information, than what I've explained to you and the other guys... I'm working for Andrew as his personal maid" I said.

"Personal? Do you know the meaning of personal, you get to be in his room, make his bed, wear short maid outfit that reveals your leg and when you prepare his bath he could see your panties and then you fuck each other" he rambled.

"I don't know if you are imagining a porn scene here but I'm not that type of girl. I want to earn money and I need a place to sleep and he offered" I shouted.

Michael looked angrier "Do you think he does not know what he's doing? He fucking does" Michael shouted "He wants to get into your panties. Why didn't he give you the money if he really wanted to help you? His family donates millions to different orphanage and retirement homes every fucking year. You are damn too clueless".

My eyes were already watery "Oh for fuck sake, don't act like you are the good one, who doesn't fuck every girl you see on the way. Andrew is a much better guy than you",

"Oh really?" He asked amused.

"Hell yeah. I've spent time with him and he hasn't made passes on me".

"You've being spending time with him?" I nodded trying to conceal my anger by biting my cheek. "And the girlfriend of the year goes to Yvette Whites" he laughed bitterly.

I laughed equally back at him "And you think the boyfriend of the year should go to you".

"Since the night of our date you couldn't call me, for 2 fucking days because of Andrew" he shouted.

"He's been helping me and not in the way you think in other aspect, if you were a good boyfriend you should have known what's going on if you called" I shouted back, tears streaming down my eye.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He asked confused still not able to put his voice down.

"I lost my dad" I shouted and his angry face fell to a soft one "he's died at the night of our date. He's gone." I cried falling to the ground.

Michael went dumb immediately, just looking at me while I shed tears.

I gave a weak chuckle and got up to face him "but you wouldn't care because you think I'm a desperate cheap whore who sleeps with your best friend or whatever. FYI, Andrew has been there with me from the very moment, he took me to his house when the doctor gave me a sleeping dose, he sang for me and also woke up at night to console me when I cry. He took me for ice cream after my dad's burial and I when we got kicked away from our house, he took me in to stay and I didn't want to be so indebted to him so I practically force myself to work as a maid".

"If you are not okay with that..." he looked up to me to see my finished statement "Fuck you" I ended and walked out.

He didn't try to follow me or hold me back which Im entirely grateful. I saw Andrew who sat awkwardly on the love seat and the other two talking amongst themselves.

"What took you so long?" He said with a mixed emotion of anger, worries and sad.

"Nothing much. Can I go to the room?" I said and left without waiting for him to answer.

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