Loving The Devil {Chapter Thirteen}

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A/N: I'll be using pictures more often now for you to get a better idea.


Yvette pov

I met Skye at work and I was so happy to see her. I jumped on her with a hug and she fell to the ground but hugged me back. She misses me too.

I told her everything that has happened so far and she only got mad at 1 thing, happy for 2 things and sad for 1 thing. She was angry that Micheal is a big fat ass jerk and she was happy that me and Andrew are becoming closer and she giggled like a toddler when I told her that he had feelings for me and that I'm sure my feelings for him are mutual. The second thing she was happy about was that I'm the daughter of a fucking billionaire. She started planning our outings and trips we could go on. I told her I wasn't interested in his money but she told me if I wasn't doing this for myself, I should do it for her.

Crazy bitch.

Then she was sad that she wasn't there when I needed someone. I told her it was okay but she didn't agree with me, but after convincing her, she gave in.

Immediately I was done with my shift, an unknown number called my phone.

"Hello" I said to the phone after answering the call.

"It's your daddy ,Timothy" the voice said.

"Oh" was all I could.

"Your mom wants to go on her gown testing and she was wondering if you would want to go with her , she's scared to ask you. So can you please go with her?" He said softly.

"Sure. No problem" I told him. I don't hate my mom, I just don't like the huge secret she kept from me and that she was so easy to move on after dad's death.

"Text her your location and she'll meet you there" he said before hanging up.

I took a deep breath before I sent her my location. I waited on the bench in front of the cafe for my mom. Skye decided to join me, so I wasn't at all lonely.

A black SUV stopped at our front. The door was opened and it was my mother. Money really changed her; she  wore a classy black gown and her makeup was also classy.

"Come in darling" she said to me "Hi Skye" she waved at Skye. Skye wasn't able to close her mouth at she stared at my mom like if she was hypnotized.

"Bye Skye" I said before entering the car.

"Bye" she said almost inaudibly.

Once we were on the road "I want you to be my maid of honor?"

"Did you ever love dad?" We said in unison.

"I'll answer first" she sighed

"I love your dad all the years we were together, but I always had this unexplainable feelings for Tim. The greatest mistake I made was cheating on your dad" she said

"The greatest mistake? Oh really?" I asked mockingly.


"Did dad ever know I wasn't his child?" I almost yelled. How can she claim cheating was the biggest mistake.

"Yes he did" you see...

"Wait, he knew?" I asked.

"But he considered you his daughter, despite my mistake. He loved you as if you were his" he said.

My eyes began to water so I face palmed myself and cried. My mother hugged me and I returned the hug.

"That's enough sad moment. I have three request for you" she said with a small smile, I sniffled my nose. "Will you please forgive mommy? I've been a horrible mother. Can you find it in your heart to give me a chance to be a good mom to you?"

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