Loving The Devil {Chapter Twenty Nine}

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Yvette pov
"Really unfortunate isn't it?" She said smirking. "I'm very sure my presence makes you feel insecure."

"Not at all. I'm not the one who is wearing made in I-must-look-fake body parts" I smiled at her sweetly.

"Children. Can we put our differences aside for tonight?" Her mother, Talia said.

"I'm very sorry ma'am." I said at the woman as the pair took their seats on the round table.

The six women were discussing amongst themselves now, I see why Lilian referred to them as fake bitches. They were all laughing along with Talia as if they did not just insult her a while back. Lilian on the other hand was trying her possible best not to get involved in a conversation with Talia.

Later on, I paid no attention to them as the waiter brought our orders. Lilian ordered two bottles of the best red wine the bar had to offer. I was busy on my phone playing game and replying messages not minding the constant glares Tracy was throwing at me.

"Aren't you going to drink your wine?" Tracy started everyone started looking at us.

"Aren't you going to mind your business?" I said with a bored expression chatting on my phone.

She scoffed "I'm pretty sure you aren't use to this expensive things. You will always be a girl from the slumps" she whispered at me.

This again, I raised my head and looked at her blankly.

"Tracy, I can drink this and I'm getting comfortable around expensive things but I'm still a simple girl. Most of my money goes to the charity organization and my fashion lifestyle unlike some people that spends their money on getting a surgery on every part of their face" I said giving her a sweet smile.

"You think because you are a supermodel, you have it all. You are famous and all that?"

I don't like boasting about my success but to this bitch here, I don't mind.

"I am a model and I'm quite famous, I do have more followers than you in less than 3 months. No one really recognizes you apart from being the daughter of Mr and Mrs Elliot" I smirked.

"I can be a model also and I'll make a name better than you" she smiled.

"You can but you shouldn't. Do you know Henri Aubert?" I asked her.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"A little secret between me and you" I whispered "He hates your body shape. He said you are too fat. Is it true he declined your offer to be one of his models?" I asked her with a wicked smirk.

"Shut the fuck up" she said through gritted teeth.

I smiled contentedly before taking a sip from my wine. It's really nice, I went back to my phone.

"Well, lets have some shots" Amanda suggested.

"Great idea" Myra mumbled before calling the waiter and ordering a bottle of whiskey.

My phone rang and I picked it up before even looking at it.

"Hey" I said.

"How you doing pumpkin?" He asked

"I'm on a girls night with your mom" I said back. Immediately all eyes were on me, shamelessly listening to my conversation.

"Wow" he chuckled.

"Hey pumpkin!" Someone shouted over the background.

"Is that Ashton?" I asked and Amanda looked at me.

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