Loving The Devil {Chapter Thirty Seven}

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Yvette pov

Three weeks to my wedding. The wedding preparations has gone bunkers. Lilian, my mom and Maddie has taken it upon themselves to do the wedding preparations, even though we have a wedding planner. I felt pity for the planner every blessed day, the pressure from my family and friends on her was too much.

I and Andrew on the other hand was extremely busy. Most especially me. The talk shows, my acting career, medical checkups, the paparazzi and constant questioning for the wedding preparations. Our engagement was announced to the general public and the world has gone nuts with celebration and support but as usual they are some haters but heh.. they will always be haters.

Last time when I fainted at my wedding proposal, Doctor Felix told me that I'm very stressed out and after my wedding, I'm to go on bedrest immediately to avoid a miscarriage. I didn't tell Andrew, it will make him more worried than he already is. He's been doing the most for me but the stress can't help but coming.

Andrew pecked my cheeks bringing me out of my zone "What are you thinking about?" He asked.

"Everything. The wedding, my career, social status and on top that our baby" I said putting a hand over my stomach.

"I'm trying as hard as much to remove the work load off your shoulders" he said.

"I know. You are trying your possible best and I'm beyond grateful" I said before locking my lips with his.
After few seconds we broke the kiss and I gave him a bright smile "Are you ready for our first ultrasound?"

"I'm more than ready" he said.


We walked into Felix's office and he gave us a warm smile.

"Good morning, Miss Yvette and Mr Andrew" he said shaking me hands then Andrew's. "Congratulations on your wedding" he said.

"Thank you" I muttered. Andrew didn't say a word. He's always so formal or in my words cold and brief when talking to other people who aren't his family or friends.

"Today is your ultra sound. How are you feeling after our last meeting?" He said.

"I'm fine" I answered casually. I actually begged him not to tell Andrew about the condition I'm in. He was hesitant about it because he feared Andrew's influence. Sometimes I wonder, if Andrew has such power and influence when he's just 19 what would it be like when he's older.

The world would be at his feet.

"That's good. Please follow me" he said taking us to the ultra sound room. I sat on the thin bed that lifted my back up a little.

"Please lift your shirt up enough to show your belly" he said while wearing his glove. He rubbed a cool gel substance my stomach before holding a small device that I'm sure is a transducer. He pointed at the screen showing my baby.

"That's your baby" he said and a small laugh escape my lips followed by happy tears.

"Andrew that's our baby" I said looking at him. His eyes was fixed on the screen and they seemed glossy.

"Do you want hardcopies?" He asked us.

"Yes please" I answered admiring the small figure in my stomach. The doctor left the room giving us a moment.

"Yvette?" Andrew called out and I looked at him with my teary eyes "I love you. I love you so much, more than you can imagine" he said.

"I love you too, boo" I said as he brought his lips down to mine and kissing it.

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