Loving The Devil {Chapter Forty Two}

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Yvette pov
The car ride was beyond quiet. It seemed that we were going for a funeral than a wedding, especially me in a black gown and a gold bouquet. I knew that Skye noticed my cold mood but she probably felt its because I'm getting married to that jerk, so she only gave me sympathetic glances.

My mind was just going over in a circles and I don't know why I'm in this car right now. I'm definitely not going there to marry that monster, what am I going to do?

The car came to a stop in front of a large catholic church and we came down from the car. Michael and Ashton came towards us dressed in a dark red tuxedo.

"Woah!" Ashton exclaimed with amusement and shock, mostly shock though. "That is one sick wedding dress" he said with a light chuckle.

"I love it" Lewis said. An awkward silence erupted and all we can hear was the soft playing of the piano. I know this is the part, where I should say thank you to Ashton and Lewis but I'm too numb to everything to think about formalities and politeness.

"Be strong, Yves" Lewis said hugging me before giving me a peck on my forehead.

"We love you so much" Ashton added before repeating the same action as Lewis. Charlie and Maddie also gave me a hug before they all went inside, leaving me, Skye and the bouncers that were protecting me... I guess.

A lady walked towards us with a clipboard in her hands, she was very tall but she still wore 7inches heels that complimented her tight dress that showed her extremely thin waist but busty boobs and large hips. Surgery obviously. Her hair was blonde with dark roots and pink highlights at the tip.

"Hi. I'm Kate the wedding planner. Miss Yvette you're dress- is... is different" she said.

I ignored her statement and asked "When am I marching in?" I asked with a monotone voice.

"Few minutes from now" she answered. "Please follow me" she instructed me and Skye. We followed her inside the massive church building, it looked very ancient but you'd be dumb not to know the millions behind this church.

She made a stop when we were close to the church. I could hear clattering and chatting of people.

"Please wait here and..." she looked at her clipboard before looking at Skye. "Skye Parker please go the alter. The groom, his best man and the pope are already waiting. Stand at the other side of the pope, which is at the right" Kate rambled to Skye.

"Fine" Skye groaned with a bored tone before leaving.

Kate held out her walkie-talkie and rambled on instructions.

The soft notes from the orchestra started playing and I knew this was my cue. I thought I would be nervous but all I felt was hate, disgust and hurt.

"Miss Yvette thats your cue" Kate said with an annoyingly cheerful tone, that makes me want to rip out her vocal cords.

I walked to the big double door that was closed after Skye walked in. The door opened and all eyes snapped to me. They gasp when they saw me dressed in a black wedding gown and a black veil covering my face.

I looked at the altar and saw Michael looking at my direction but I can't read his expression since his far from me. I really want to see his dumb face; he would be so surprised to see me dressed like this, when he got me a white wedding gown.

This is the beginning of surprises, Michael Drew.

With that I started walking to the altar. My parents, friends, acquaintances, fans and other people I do not know was standing at my right hand side while Michael's people were at my left. My eyes caught Lucia's and she looked at me dangerously. I was glaring at her but she couldn't see through my black veil.

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