Loving The Devil {Chapter Sixteen}

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Andrew pov

We turned to see Micheal glaring at us. He had this dirty look on his face. I really don't want to hate with him, he's been my brother for as long as I can remember. Honestly I don't want to loose him.

"This is why it was so easy for you to breakup with me because of him" Micheal said disgusted.

"No. I broke up with you cause I saw your penis stuck up in Tracy's vagina" Yvette said in the same tone Micheal used.

Damn bastard!

"I love you, Yvette" he said.

"No you don't, you only want me for sex" Yvette screamed at him.

"And Andrew doesn't?" He asked you could see his pale skin becoming red.

"No he doesn't" she said.

"Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror? You're beautiful as fuck and now you are rich, you look cleaner than before" he said waking closer to us. He held Yvette's hand and that made me angry.

"Michael leave me alone. I'm happy with Andrew and I have feelings for him and he has for me too" she said moving closer to me.

I held her hand gave a small squeeze. Micheal saw it and he clenched his teeth.

"I'll come back for you Yvette. Mark my word, one way or the other you would be mine" he said.

"No she wouldn't. I think it's time you take your leave" I said. Micheal became more furious and punched me. I staggered back a bit before I gave him mine.

"Stop it" Yvette cried but me and Micheal were too busy trying to kill each other.

"You guys are brother.....STOP...SOMEONE HELP ME!" Yvette shouted.

I was holding Micheal neck and he was holding mine. She tried pulling Micheal away from me but Micheal push her roughly causing her head to hit the metal pole leaving her unconscious.

"Yvette?!" I ran to her leaving Micheal while he stood there like a buffoon.

"Make a call, are you dumb or something. Call an ambulance" I yelled at him. He shakily dialed the ambulance and gave them our location.

Before the ambulance got here I called Ashton to tell our parents our situation and they were here in no seconds.

"My baby" Yvette's mom cried as she rushed towards Yvette.

Yvette eyes slightly opened as she muttered "mom" but she fell back unconscious immediately said looked at her mom.

The ambulance came and the personnels carried her on a stretcher and putting inside.

"I'll go with her" I said.

"No I would" Micheal interrupted.

"This is all you fault, you jerk" I yelled at him and he was about to charge toward me but his father held him back

"Control yourself boys" Mr Drew said with so much dare in his voice that you wouldn't want to cross.

"I'll follow my daughter" Mrs Whites said.

Technically, she's still Mrs Whites so I'll address her like that till the wedding.

She jumped to the back of the ambulance while everyone rushed to their own vehicle.

I entered my family's white Range Rover with my parents at the back while me at the passenger's seat and my driver did the driving.

"Andrew, what exactly happened?" My mother started immediately we were on our way to the hospital.

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