Loving The Devil {Chapter Eight}

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Yvette pov

"Bitch! The fuck is wrong with you, driving with a damn basket on the fucking stairs" Skye shouted standing akimbo. I walked passed her out of the hospital room with my bag. I was going home I was already discharged by the doctor few hours ago.

I sighed "I'm sorry Skye" i mumbled for the fifth fucking time.

"Yeah you should be. What if something bad happened to your face, who would I use as my model when I finally have my empire" she ranted

"Come on, you could easily find another model. I'm not that pretty" I mumbled. I walked out of the hospital to spot Skye's car, her mothers car actually, and made my way towards the car.

Skye got to the driver's side and opened the car. I got in and she started the car

"If you say that again I promise I'll shave your eyebrows and trim your eyelashes to see what 'not that pretty' look like" she warned, I shut up and turned to the other side.

"About the date, you have with Micheal. I have the perfect dress for you. We'll have to go to my house"

She stopped at her house porch and we came down. She opened the door with her keys and got in, her mom wasn't home. She threw the keys on a small basket and we headed to her room.

Let me just say her room is the definition of a mess: Clothes litter everywhere, with pieces of material and thread with different color and papers of sketching on the wall, around her sewing machine and on the ground.

"Were you robbed? Oh my God, let me call the police" I exclaimed bringing out my phone

"Chill. I've just been working" she smiled

"I've told you to get a workshop" I sighed.

"Daddy told me, he will set it up before next week. It will just be a small shop at the balcony" she squealed.

"And your mom agreed?" Skye parents are divorced for over a 2 years. And they have a huge bickering about who is the better parent. So little Miss Skye here, plays them.

"Of course she did, but she offered in helping the shop look better, since she said dad doesn't have a good taste" Told ya.

"Your mind is gonna be blown away, trust me" she brought out a gown and gave it to me, I didn't even have time to analyze the gown before I was pushed into her bathroom. "Don't look at the gown just wear it" she shouted.

I was eager to analyze but I just followed her instructions and walked out.

Skye gasped "Magnificent"

I looked at the large mirror on the wall and I was short of words. It was plain but yet so beautiful. A black off-shoulder dress with thin straps and a long slit the bottom. The material was dope with the way it shines.

 The material was dope with the way it shines

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